Stargrave Case 7 - looks like you managed to cut off our only escape route!

With the information we managed to obtain from Medlab it looked like the infection rate for this outbreak was close to 100% as was the mortality rate. If you could call what happened to the suffers death. We needed to get back to our ship and summon more reinforcements to purge the station.
However the normal route back to the docking bay was cut off so we needed to make our way to the transport hub via the habitation ring. This was a maze of utility areas and looked nothing like our maps.
We were making steady progress when our motion detectors showed a cluster of blips ahead of us. This layout is made with terrain from Death Ray Designs and scatter from a Mantic Games Terrain Crate.
Here we are lined up to enter the next room. Remember short controlled bursts.
We make it through the first room and then into what could have been a mess hall or commissary. This room has a data terminal which might provide useful information. Just then some plague zombies lurch through the door. So much for our smoke screen and stealth. It was one of the station's security detachment and some sort of bloated monstrosity.
A hail of fire (what happened to short controlled bursts) destroyed the zombies. Unfortunately, the bloated zombie exploded in a ball of fire. (I didn't know they did that) Even worse, Inquisitor Rathbourne had gotten too close and was burned in the blast. This would come back to be a problem later.
Servo skull Bob (short for Kate) bravely gave his/her life in the service of the Imperium. Bob floated over, opened the door and scanned the blips. One was a soldier who smashed the drone.
More blips start massing in the next room. Suddenly all the doors are opening and they are full of plague zombies.
Sergeant Major Williams gets jumped by a couple of zombies. Inquisitor Rathbourne is leading from the front. At this point I was thinking about going for the central treasure.
Inquisitor Rathbourne, dashed back to save Willimans, thoughts of the central treasure disappeared in a heartbeat. The Inquisitor killed the zombie but was then felled by shoota fire from some Orks lurking further down the corridor. That damage from the exploding zombie came back to haunt me.
Williams got gashed by the zombie. He looked over at Beamont, who smiled nastily. "Encore this" he then lobbed a grenade into the melee.
"Oh dear, how sad, never mind, lovely boy"
Magrat led the rest of the team into the other room. They exterminated the zombies and grabbed a box of supplies. Dr Needles showed he can open more than bodies. Chef Rybeck, Gunner Graeme, trooper Sugden and Engineer Rumzan are all crowded around a hatch in the floor. "Get into the garbage chute flyboy, I don't care what you smell." "We can't stay out here much longer we will get pulverised"

To make the evacuation more complicated there are Orks just on the other side of the door. You can hear them grunting and hooting in their guttural language.
Rumzan opens the hatch and Magrat and Dr Needles escape into the hole. However just then everyone's motion detectors start going off. "6 metres that right outside the room" "Signal's clean"
The door slides open and three zombie troopers crowd the door, their weapons waving uncertainly but still spraying bullets. One of the bullets brought down Chef Rybeck.

Here is everyone after the mission. We recovered a physical and a data loot. The front row all made it out safely. Everyone in the back roll had to make naughty rolls. Everyone was OK except for the penitent, who will be starting at half health. 
We recovered some valuable supplies worth $400 and a Neural chip.
Williams is looking a bit off colour and might have caught a dose of the plague. Next game we need to keep and eye on him.


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