Call to Arms 2023 update

One the 18/19th of November the Warlords held our annual convention. We had about 100 attendees playing a wide variety of periods.

Here is an overview of the hall. This is showing the 40k players with the Horus Heresy narrative event in the background. DBMM games in the conservatory.
Here is another view across the hall, this is looking towards the Flames of War event, then the demonstration games and the
This is a game of Age of Sigmar. This is an interesting take on a Deepkin army. It reminds me of the ghost army from Lord of the Rings. 
Here are another couple of AoS armies. Snakes why did it have to be snakes?

Eldar rampaged across the 40k event, the other side has a lot of dreadnoughts.
This is a DBMM game. Each of the tables was laid out to imitate a famous battle. 
Some people were playing games with 40mm models. These are easier for people to see. This was Lion Rampant representing the conflicts of the 13th century
This is the American rebellion. The Red ones are the Empire and the 

It was great to see a hall full of people having fun with their hobby. People had put a lot of time into preparing their tables.

I didn't get photos of a lot of the other games, I was having too much fun saving Britain from infiltrating vampires.


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