Sanity Claws Workshop Terrain build project.

I have been working on some more terrain for Frostgrave or other fantasy games. I need to get this done so I can get building sci-fi terrain for Necromunda and Spacegrave next year. I managed to avoid the usual parent Christmas present of socks but I didn't get much wargaming stuff directly for Christmas but I have stuff coming and plenty to work on. Even with the great commercial kits available these days I still like making terrain from scratch. There is something satisfying about taking a plastic pot or a carboard tube and making it into something useful. I decided to build a big multilevel tower. The tower ends up being about 400mm tall and consists of 4 habitable stories. There is a spiral staircase and a domed roof. The domed roof was formed by high density foam and the gaps filled in with ready mix filler. The roof was then clad with a sheet of DAS clay and this was then textured with the Madness roller. The this rippled the roof a bit but that is better than trying t...