Stargrave Quadrant 37 - All Aboard
This is my second attempt to create this post. While writing the last one I keyed Ctrl+A instead of Shift+A. before I realised what had happened I had lost all the content. Here is the table before we got started, we have plenty of ticket booths and market stalls. I deployed in a group on one side. Aliens can appear out of the vents in the corner of the table so I was hoping to minimise the impact because half of the aliens should appear from the other corner. We do the old classic of advance under the cover of some smoke grenades. A train car wizzes past while we run up. Alan's psycher has laid down a force wall. A Wardroid arrives behind my squad. Eek. The Warbot immediately kills one storm trooper. Darth Vader dashes around the corner to deal with Alan's burner who had moved up to crisp us. We chuck some grenades over the force wall and wound Alan's hacker who had unlocked the data loot. Alan's droid manages to unlock a loot counter. A Sentry droid approaches trigge