7tv- First Episode
Alan and I tried out 7tv. This is a skirmish style game where the game resembles a Saturday afternoon TV show. The game is from Crooked Dice. After comparing our model collections we ended up with Lord Flashheart and Princess Bob from the 25th Century verses, The Daleks. Alan has made a great set of terrain from a variety of Sigmarite ruins. We laid it out on one of the club mats and then covered it in some of the Aquarium plants. Here we have Lord Commander Flashheart, the Time travelling Princess Bob (short for Kate), some extras from a Tarzan movie and some hired muscle. Here is my Dalak force. I have a leader (hiding out of shot on the left), must have is lid open and the operator is scoffing a pie. We have two robomen guards, 5 mine slaves and the ruthless Lieutenant This is the table layout Al made, it really does look like a disused Egyptian fantasy movie set. Maybe its from a cancelled Conan movie. The Daleks advance with eyestalks swiveling. As an evil alien overlord the Dalek