Hobby Update

No game unfortunately this weekend. I got sick and have been washed out this weekend. I have been making some more progress on my scifi terrain set. I have ordered some Mantic terrain crate scifi doors. Mantic might make Fugly Fantasy Figures (FFF) but they make great terrain. I got the idea to combine my foam lava terrain with the TT combat terrain I bought a while back. I think I will try that next. I should get a chance to get some more painting done this weekend on these. I just received my second terrain crate kickstarter. Its arrived just as me might be winding down our post apocalyptic games and moving back to the Frozen City of Frostgrave. Fortunately I have the terrain from the first terrain crate to finish and use. This is the trouble with kick starters, you really need to be able to guess what you want to play in 2 years time. I was watching Kris Belleau painting chrome Necrons. This reminded me that I got some of the Terminator models from...