Kill Team - Axemander saves the day
In the proud traditions of Lassie, Axemander - the goodest boy, saved the day and won the Kill Team mission for the Star Striders. With their engine room was invaded with Night Lord Chaos Marines, things were looking grim for our intrepid crew. Chomping two of the chaos marines, he seized control of an objective and counted for scout the field. This brave action represented a 3 victory point swing to the Star Striders and allowed the hard pressed crew a come from behind victory. The Night Lords have 7 Marines 6 are normal chaos marines and one is a Berserker champion. The Aspiring champion is a leader and has Mark of Nurgle. The Star Striders form up in the enginarium they are unusual that they get 3 models that are specialists but don't count towards the 4 specialist limit. The heavy gets a rotary cannon that's an interesting mix, they also have a combat machine of a death cultist. The sneaky nightlords are using a veteran with flamer rather than the more typical P