Hobby Update - Age of Sigmar - Spearhead terrain

I have been having fun painting my terrain for AOS spearhead. I got to use a range of my favourite techniques and some experiments.

The terrain got painted with a selection of grey tones, dry brushed onto the undercoat. The wood is a coat of Gagrax sewer with some brown sand highlights. The metal is Vallejo Bronze. Then everything got a dark green-brown oil wash. This got wiped off most of the stonework, creating some more contrast in the shadows. This also tinted things a bit green

I recently got a bottle of plage bearer flesh from Scott at Kapiti Hobbies. I ran a wash of this around the bottom of the pieces to strengthen the idea of moss or damp or slime corrupting the stone.

For the warpstone elements I painted them flourescent yellow and then gave them a good coat of Karandras green contrast. This allows the yellow to show through at the thinnest points.

Overall I'm quite pleased with how these items are turning out.



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