Stargrave game 2 - It's a bug hunt


George and I got in a second game of our Stargrave campaign. We used the dead or alive mission and generated the Brood Mother. I didn't think it made much sense for a group of human mercenaries to work for a creature that kept trying to get them to bathe in marinade. I replaced all the mercenaries with spiders using the creatures from Quadrant 37.

We used the Transmat to beam down to the planet Spiridon This is a very hostile jungle planet teaming with all sorts of lethal predators. Receiving reports of unidentified aliens hiding in the Plane of Stones we set out through the jungle to find out what was going on. 
Here is the Raknos nest, somewhat unexpected. In addition. the nearby volcano is showing signs of an imminent eruption.
Here we have the crew deployed. We have a new Engineer, I think I forgot to deploy one of the team. I have changed the Dalek's weapon to a Rapid Fire. The Plane of Stones is one of the more comfortable areas because the rocks absorb heat during the day and release it at night warming the area. Of course, all the animals have figured this out and it can become a feeding frenzy.
We move forwards a bit and the Raknos speed towards us. The Ogron gunner is taking point.
George's team are advancing on the other side. They have managed to get some early damage on the smaller spiders but a wall of warrior forms is rapidly closing on their position. Some of the more expendable convicts and runners are leading the advance.
One of the Master's grenades and a barrage of firepower takes down one of the big spiders. One of the Ogron apprentices is now taking point on the left side.

The next wave of spiders arrives, the spider with red markings shows the ability to spray acid, totally delightful.
The spiders have made contact with George's team. One of the warriors is fighting the Bruiser with supporting fire from an acid squirter. The Brood Mother has hopped over to an objective and birthed another baby spider. On George's right flank, his Pathfinder is being swarmed by multiple spiders. A clattering of mandibles hungering for his flesh.
We have managed to sneak the Master and our Chisler past the big melee. Bill the Kid unlocks the physical loot with one of his trademark sticks of dynamite.
The Ogron apprentice takes a lot of damage, but he manages to kill the spider warrior, Billy took some acid damage and is now extracting back to the pick-up point. Trooper Lytton moved to engage the acid squirter spider. This locks it down and prevents it from interfering with the crew picking up treasures. The master has unlocked another treasure with his sonic screwdriver. In the first critical of the day the gunner rolled double 0 and blasted the Brood Mother.
A Warbot lumbers onto the table scanning for targets. George's Pathfinder is engaged with a Warp Hound. The Warbot just sprays the whole area with blaster fire. 
Some of the locals arrive to investigate the excitement, the rearguard of the Engineer and the Dalek Hybrid lay down some suppressing fire. The small creature is a Tangler if one of those gets attached to you, they are very hard to get off. Billy is now limping badly and dragging his loot case to the exit area.
The Master picks up the loot counter while the apprentice goes to help Lytton with the spider.
The Dalek has made it to the central objective and unlocks it. George's crew are massing on the other side of the rock. The have dealt with the spiders and now only have to deal with the locals.
Extracting towards the dropship with three physical loot counters.
One of the convicts has unlocked a loot counter and is now exiting stage right. A large snapping crustacean is closing on the position. George wisely laid down a smoke grenade to remove any temptation. George's medic proved to have an excellent knowledge of xeno anatomy and killed two creatures with his surgical tools.
Everyone is dragging the loot back, some of the crew have already evacuated. No one wants one of their expensive crew to get killed right at the end of the mission
Another crablike Tangler arrives and starts getting blasted.
Agent Hardy tries to serve papers on the Master. He promptly gets blasted then everyone runs away.
The last of George's crew make for the table edge.

I got three treasures and the bounty for the Brood Mother so a good result.

George got two space encounters, before the game he stopped for a coffee at an abandoned space station and picked up 70 credits. On the way out, he encountered a black hole and his ship took 18 damage. this quickly got repaired using the money from the station.

I got a flyby encounter and cold have attacked George's ship but that's just an opportunity to take damage and lose money.

A great game and lots of fun.


  1. Nice looking game. A few of my buddies and I are going to start a new Frostgrave campaign in a couple of weeks, two years after our Stargrave games.

    1. Frostgrave is a lot of fun. The last campaign we did was the Red King. I got into a Stargrave and Frostgrave game at Adepticon. That should be interesting to see how other people play.


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