I got in a game down at the club on Saturday. I tried out a new list which did not have any knights. I had a 1750 point list that was mostly Stygies 8 Adeptus Mechanicus who were being supervised by Ordo Xenos Inquisitor Lord Rathbourne and his retinue. Who better to ensure that the Adepts don't bring back something too dangerous? While searching some ancient ruins for valuable artifacts, the Adepts were attacked by the Emperors Children warband led by Challis Drant, the purple winged Daemon Prince had set up a trap in a pair of adjacent ruined towers. Keeping most of his heavy hitters in reserve the Daemon baited his trap with a horde of screaming cultists. These lunatics formed a picket line while the Noise Marines sheltered in their Rhino transports. The Emperors Children drop in, their warp talons supported by the sorcerer. The Noise Marines climb into the buildings and two units of obliterators drop into the tower on the left. The sorcerer then casts warp time on the