Elephants Graveyard
For the second game we were joined by Thomas so we had 4 players all trying to get the treasure from the elephants graveyard. We changed up the table layout to give us a large island in the center. Here the Heritors survey the table to determine which table edge they want. In true wargamer fashion we end up choosing the table sides that mean we don't have to move. The graveyard is marked out by a perimeter of standing stones on the large island in the middle of the table. I managed to roll low for initiative so an Elephant appeared to guard their sacred graveyard. Thomas's crew are splashing through the shallow water. Alan's crew are advancing over the islands Richards' crew have tucked in between some headlands. I managed to trigger an encounter by picking up a treasure and two gorillas appeared behind Alan's deployment area. One of my archers took a shot at one and did some damage to the beast. It's the least I can do. My Merc