Stargrave, You have how many turns to reach minimum safe distance?
Richard and I played a second game of Stargrave on Saturday. We changed the scenario to be the derelict spacecraft. This allowed us to rerack the terrain from the Starport only this time it was representing the hanger deck and cargo areas of a larger spacecraft. This spaceship is damaged and malfunctioning and in time honoured tradition full of valuable loot and about to be pulled into the local star. In my imagination this is likely an old clone wars era ship forgotten after one of the many battles. It might have some information about Jedi that survived Order 66. Unfortunately Richards crew of scoundrels, mercenaries and reprobates appear to have other ideas. I am sure Richard is working for the Rebel Alliance. Darth Vader leaps over to the spacecraft ready to seize the loot on its hull, supported by covering fore from a storm trooper and Boba Fett. Everyone else runs up the other side. Richards crew is lightning fast and he jumped a drone on top of the central treasure and then unlo