Aliens Terrain

I have been watching a bunch of online roleplaying groups celebrate their hobby. The players do a great job of getting into their character, coming up with voices and accents. One of the best games to watch is the Alien game. Its a universe I have enjoyed since the movies first game out. With Stargrave coming out soon its likely that our adventuring crew will get into all sorts of trouble seeking out loot counters. I built some terrain that could make a great central objective or a place where you access another part of the game space, such as underground. Several of Joe's scenarios use a special room where players have to get to to meet the main monster and get to the best loot. So with a block of high density foam in my hands and plenty of Aliens podcasts to listen to, here is what I got up to. Here is the first rough carved shape and the initial sanding. I added another part to the curve to create a cave like space that corresponds to the central portion of the ship. I also adde...