Kill Team - Phobos Marines
With the Warlords starting Tuesday night gaming, I got in a kill team game against Ed and his Nemesis Claw team. I decided to try out my Phobos team. We were playing Sabotage on a lengthways map. This created a situation where the table looked like a street with ruined buildings on both sides. My Phobos team is painted in a codex approved night fighting camouflage scheme. This mutes the normally bright Howling Griffons scheme. Behind this building I have the Vox Breaker, the Minelayer and a Reiver. On this side I have the Sergeant, the Veteran and the Marksman. Opposite my Sergeant is the Shriecker, Ventrilokar, and Champion. Across the alley is the Meltagunner. Here is the Missile launcher gunner and the Skin Thief. I have occupied my home building. My Voxbreaker moved forward and Auspex scanned an 8" bubble of no obscuring. My Minelayer moved forward and planted his mine on the other side of the door thus making charging through the door an unattractive option. The Riever is up ...