Hobby update - Stargrave Crews and NPC factions

Here is my updated crew. in the back left we have Billy the Kid the Chisler, Dundee the Engineer, Holliday the Medic, Litton the Trooper, then we have the new Dalek armoured trooper, Dalek Hybrid Sek the pilot, Thay the ship gunner and Ogron Zeg the machine gunner. In the front we have the Master and the Dalek sub commander. These are made from Stargrave plastics and the Dead Mans Hand Cowboys, with some wizard bits thrown in. The Daleks are from Black Tree Design.
This is the Space Rangers. These are plastics from Warlord Games Gates of Antares game. These are a quick Contrast Paint job with some additional highlights.
These are my new Robot faction. These are the invading robots from Core Space. They are all one-piece plastics and are great for gaming pieces.
These are my models from the Star Schlock kickstarter I back a little while ago. These are metal models and very nice casts.

All the NPC teams have basing material from Kraut Cover. The Robots have the very popular Grim Dark, perfect for terminator type bases. The other teams have Copius Earth. These basing mixes are great, ready to go out of the pot with a mix of textures.


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