Hobby update - painting and building

This week I have been painting some Historical models. I painted 4 elements of War of the Roses retinue Longbowmen. These are painted in the livery of Oxford for the battle of Bosworth. I am also working on some mixed men at arms and billmen.

I also received an order from Sarissa Precision. For all the problems there are in the world with shipping There was no problem in getting this from the UK. These Hab pods go together easily and they make up into a modular structure. I might get some more of these they could make a nice moon base or similar.

The Hab pods have doors at each end and an opening to take the intersecting corridor. There is plenty of room for internal fittings especially if I make them to fit into the wall curves. All sorts of consoles and screens and even bed alcoves could be incorporated into those spaces.
Here is are the obligatory steps onto the roof. Thre are also opening roof hatches
This is an overview of he set. One of the pods is designed to be separate. The joints in the walls could use a quick gap fill. All the roofs are detachable so there is opportunities to have encounters in the buildings.

This is a close up of the truck. The top is removable and you can create an interior for this as well. this one I made out of the box, the second one I will add some extra features to.

I got some scifi pods a couple of tracked vehicles (which remind me of the 1970s BBC TV series UFO) I also got a sailing ship, this would be cool for a game of Ghost Archipelago. I have not started assembling that so updates on that might be a couple of weeks away. 


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