Stargrave: Quadrant 37 - Hydroponics lab. Everyone hold your breath

Alan and I took our crews into Quadrant 37. We started the Bugs mini campaign with the Hydroponics Lab scenario.

Usually the first scenario is an easy introduction, if so we are in for a tough time. Just about everything that could go wrong did.

Early Game

The Empire forces deployed in three groups. Our motion detectors were already going off.
We enountered our first Bugs. Boba blew up a bug with a grenade.
Supporting fire from the storm troopers, not so precise.
The Robot Posse advance to the physical loot.
Massed volleys of fire managed to wound the Warrior bug. I'm thinking starship troopers.

The right flank force are making  progress towards a data terminal.

Getting Wet
In this scenario the lower initiative score corresponds to a result on the scenario special events table. About now Allan rolled a 20 and I rolled a 19, this meant that the entire table became deep water. Everyone now has to make swimming tests, while Robots can't drown they are not good swimmers. Guess who else are not good swimmers, people wearing heavy armour and not having a good willpower. Unfortunately this corresponds to the profile of most of my soldiers.

The Robot Posse fail 2 out of three swimming rolls and stand around getting wet.
A Storm trooper getting a close encounter of the Xeno kind. My Gunner and data extraction droid are making their way to a data loot token.

Securing the central loot token

Darth Vader has the central loot token in his sights. However Alans crew are just on the other side of those boxes so I don't want to end up standing around in the open. 
My trusty robot passed his swimming roll and laid down a smoke grenade
Darth tried to open the loot token but it resisted his initial efforts. 
Here is Alans crew of Rebels they are just on the other side of those boxes.
A drone Bug shows up next to a physical loot token and between Alans crew and their exit point. 

The fight for the data loot
My gunner and data extraction droid have reached the loot and have opened it but Alans Lieutenant, a power force user arrived before we could download the data. An acid spewing bug is racing towards the fight. Both sides have additional troops moving in support.
There are all sorts of monsters closing on Alan's team. I'm not sure whether they are fleeing the bugs or whether they are attracted by the dinner bells we keep setting off when we unlock a treasure item.
The Acid spewing bug eats my machine gunner and then a carnivorous plant eats my trooper. Even with three attackers I could not defeat Alan's Lieutenant.
Everyone is now dead over at the right objective, however Darth Vader and his commando have arrived. However so has another blip. Darth has moved up to get LOS on the blip
The survivors of Alan's crew gather around the transport rig and its treasure. The Hacker and the Trooper have raced from the right hand side of the board to try and join up, You can only leave by the doors and we only have one door each. Several members of Alan's team have been injured by the monsters and bugs and that makes you even more likely to drown.
A Warrior bug makes it into combat with Alan's captain.
Darth discovers that the blip is a drone bug.
Dealing with the bugs costs more time and more blood.
The Droid lobbed a grenade over the pipe and blew up the acid spewer then Darth charged into the worker bug.
No match for the Dark Lord. However he is carrying a physical loot token so can't download the data token.
They are coming out of the walls. Alan and I had what felt like several turns in a row where we both got to place blips or Worker bugs to make things more exciting.With the drones homing on the treasure you would always be chased down.
Unlocking a loot token caused some more creatures to appear. Just when I thought I was in the clear.

End Game
Alan's crew make another small advance and a Wroker bug attacks the Drone
Darth Vader comes back to help the commando droid deal with the tentacle faced beast. It latches on for a moment but then gets light sabered into several pieces. 
The Worker bug is surrounded and eventually brought down.
Just when we had cleared the tentacle beasts another drone showed up. 
Alan appears to have stumbled onto a hive entrance thats crawling with bugs.
Some make it into contact and the screaming starts. Alan's Hacker was wounded by the poisonous thorns which made him easy prey for the Bugs.
Darth Vader and the droid get attacked by an Acid spewer bug and a drone. Darth ends up in combat with the acid spewer and is down to his last wound. If he causes damage on the creature it will spreay him with acid and he will die. If the creature wins it will bite him and he will die. The only possibity of survival was to win the combat, without doing damage then cast regenerate and then win the next round of comabt. However, Darth was too angry to care by now so he hacked the spewer to bits, killing him the Commando droid and the worker bug. 

Game over man!
Movement in front and behind. Alan's captain and the Trooper who has swum all the way around from the other side of the table are making a last stand. Time for a grenade handshake.
The final models in Alan's team fall inches from the exit.

What a game.
This took all day to play.
Being slowed down in the water and drowning made the game really hard. Carrying physical loot while underwater is almost impossible.
19 out of 20 soldiers did not make it back. the only survivor was my chisler droid who computer the chances of survival early and used his rocket boosters to fly out the door. he also gets me 10 credits for 
This was really exciting and felt like I almost had it several times but then another problem showed up and my characters got ground down.
My Lieutenant blew himself up with a hand grenade that scattered back on him.
Boba Fett kept drowning until he nicked a storm troopers oxygen pack which lasted him for several turns.

To complete this disaster, Darth Vader almost died and ended up seriously injured with a crushed arm. Fortunately he went up a level and its one of the ones where you can increase a stat so yeah I get to spend 100 points and end up back where I was.
My machine gunner died as did my Combat Armour wearing droid. So now I need to sell gear to get replacements. 

Alan's machine gunner also died

Next stop the train station.


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