End of January Hobby update

This weekend was supposed to have been another gaming weekend. However the rise of Omicron (there's a Scifi movie title) has resulted in a massive surge in demand for inoculations and the vaccination clinic has taken over all the church we use.

It was also supposed to be the club AGM where I was going to be elected as President of the Galactic Senate again. Now that has to be postponed. I suppose I will have to soldier on with these emergency powers, I wonder where representative Binks has got to. 

Sometimes hobby projects don't fit into nice easy weekly blocks. I have been working on Star Wars themed miniatures for the last few weeks.

Desert Dwellings

I have gotten some more work done on my desert dwellings. Mos Churton is taking shape. All these buildings have a good coat of paint on them. Next will be detailing and highlights and shades. All the roofs are removable. I'm debating about doing internal walls. I might settle for fabric style hangings to divide the space without reducing playability too much.

My Kitchen bench after a couple of hours painting.

A Models eye view of the buildings and the shapes to move the models around in.
A close up of the wall texture on a phase two building. I applied a layer of dilute glue and then sprinkled the tile grout on and then sprayed on more water. This gave a very rough building look. Maybe this one has been around for a long time. I think a small sifter might be in order to get better control of the application. Thanks Zorpazorp for the idea.

I have been painting some rebels and other models. The Weequay and Gammoreans come from the Jabbas Palace set from Imperial Assault. The rebels come from a variety of sets. I have painted them up in a slightly rag tag camoish scheme. I am now trying to get the bases to look like autumn forest. Unfortunately the autumn flock I used looked way too bright so its getting toned down. I have a good squad and next I can paint some leader models.
I also bought some Star Wars Legion models. The Droid army is plastic kit plastic but the republic forces are a sort of resin/plastic. These go together nicely, the B1 droids are a bit fiddly in a couple of places, the heads are in two bits and the usual problems of gluing 2 arms and a gun together at the same time revealing just how much more useful it would be to have an extra set of arms.

Its still stinking hot here, unlike all the people in the northern hemisphere who seem to be freezing. 


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