End of January Hobby update
This weekend was supposed to have been another gaming weekend. However the rise of Omicron (there's a Scifi movie title) has resulted in a massive surge in demand for inoculations and the vaccination clinic has taken over all the church we use. It was also supposed to be the club AGM where I was going to be elected as President of the Galactic Senate again. Now that has to be postponed. I suppose I will have to soldier on with these emergency powers, I wonder where representative Binks has got to. Sometimes hobby projects don't fit into nice easy weekly blocks. I have been working on Star Wars themed miniatures for the last few weeks. Desert Dwellings I have gotten some more work done on my desert dwellings. Mos Churton is taking shape. All these buildings have a good coat of paint on them. Next will be detailing and highlights and shades. All the roofs are removable. I'm debating about doing internal walls. I might settle for fabric style hangings to divide the space with...