Hobby update - Holiday season

 I have the week before Christmas off work, so I am getting into some hobby time. As usual, I have several different projects on the go. 

We got inspired with some Pulp game ideas and I got some figures from North Star. I also used some figures I bought from them a while ago for Congo. This is enough for some adventurers and a military unit. I also have enough to make some Japanese.
I bought this from Battle Kiwi. This is a cargo sled skimmer. This will be perfect for the train heist scenario in the last prospector. This is heavily grimed up for that run down industrial feel.
The model is grimed up with a big layer of weathering powder.
I have TTCombat's train as a Christmas present
I have also been painting some Carnevale models. I need some inspiration after losing the last three games to Alan and his Guild gang.
I am also building a quarry style terrain board. So many BBC shows used old quarry's as outside sets this can be used for just about any period. I was also inspired by train layouts which provides good ideas for incorporating multiple levels and layouts of the roads as they spiral up and around the layout. I will also need to make some bridges to span gaps in the layout and allow the paths to cross over each other.



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