Call to Arms 2022

Last weekend the Wellington Warlords held our annual convention. It's a bit later than normal because our usual venue was being renovated. This did give us access to a warmer spring weekend rather than the Artic tundra of an August weekend. We had about 100 attendees so that's s pretty good turn-out.

The new layout also gave our demonstration game a space outside the frozen zone so that was even better.

Here are some photos of all the different games.

Some people got together for a classic Warhammer Fantasy Multiplayer game. This was classic Good vs Evil from before the end times. I think this came down to a giant scrum in the middle and a points decision to the forces of Bretonnia.
Some players rebooted the original game played at the Warlords first meeting 50 years ago. This was an American Civil War.
Some people got together for a couple of games of Kings of War.
We had some people playing in a Saga event. There was an event using the Crusades period and then some Dark Ages
There were some people playing Star Wars legion. They had some great terrain and tables.
Some people were having a great time playing some Flames of War.
The two biggest events at the convention were Warhammer 40K and Age of Sigmar. Here is a shot of 40K.
Here are a couple of Age of Sigmar tables. I think this mission involves taking control of the evenly spaced circles. I'm not a big fan of this type of scenario, I think the artificial zones break the immersion and make it more like paint ball than a real battle.

It was great to see people getting together to have fun with their hobby especially after the last couple of years disrupting peoples lives due to Covid.


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