Frostgrave - experimental warbands

 Alan and I tried out Frostgrave again so we can familarise ourselves with the rules and try out some new gang concepts.

In the first turn, I run forwards three soldiers, I was trying some Transpose shenanigans but my Wizard failed to cast but did earn himself 5xp for a sharp lesson in failure. I ended up with the Thief and the Thug together 
The Apprentice has some soldier support, It's amazing who you can find and the local Stoic Arms franchise.
The Wizard wraps around to the left and buff the combat awareness. The Thug runs around the stairs. 
The Thief climbs up and gets to the corpse. It turns out its treasure.
My Infantryman inspects one of the corpses and it turns into a Zombie in a box. Surprise, the zombie attacks and gets its head smashed in for its trouble. Bad Zombie Bad.
The apprentice advances around the other side of the tower and manages to buff one of the soldiers.
The Thief manages to unlock the treasure. The Thug then picks up the treasure. The Thief then runs off towards the other treasure on the right. In case the other thief can't unlock it. Alan has picked up and unlocked a treasure. He also finds a zombie. This urns out to be a super zombie and kills one soldier and wounds the swordmaster.
My Man at Arms is guarding a treasure. My Wizard had run up to support him and unlock it but he took a critical hit from an arrow fired out of the trees. Right in the seeing crystal. Alan's apprentice has healed the sword master and he has killed the zombie. Alan has also found the Golem notes which were the main objective of the scenario.
My Thug has climbed down with the treasure, the archer is trading shots with Alan's archer.
The thief unlocks the treasure and climbs down the hill. The other infantrymen have made it to another corpse, that also turns out to be treasure. The barbarian then manages to unlock it. This one attracts a Ghoul.
I move the Man at Arms over to the middle to try and make a push for the middle treasure or at least make it hard for Alan to get at the two I am trying to get off from the bottom right. In the top right. Alan has unlocked another treasure and his team are making an exit stage right. The corpse had attracted a wolf which started sniffing around behind the big house.
Alan's Swords Master races over and stops my Thug from leaving. My archer is running back and forth trading shots with Alan's archer and other soldiers.
The Apprentice had made it to the treasure, however the Infantryman managed to unlock it.
My Man at Arms defeated Alan's sword master. Alan's Wizard moved up and convinced my Thug that the treasure was in fact a poisonous snake so he threw it away. Thugs will believe anyone, that's why they are easy to hire.

Alan's Wizard gets wounded by an arrow from my archer and is down to 2 health. He tries to heal himself but gets the spell wrong (its hard to hold your blood in and wave your hands around) and the strain causes him to pass out.
A fight break out around the central treasure. Alan's Thug gets smashed out the fight by my infantryman. Alan's Intantryman is also defeated and my squad recover the treasure.
My Man at Arms engages Alan's Archer. My Thief runs back to try and backstab the archers but misses. The Man at Arms then takes advantage of the distraction to take out the archer.
Alan's apprentice tries to heal himself but true to his masters teachings harms himself. He then limps off the table.
My Thug recovers the treasure, now its no longer a snake and makes for the edge of the board, The archer covers the retreat.

My Wizard makes a full recovery and we get one grimoire some scrolls and a bit of cash.


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