Carnevale and Relic Blade

We have had a couple of meetings down at the Club over the last couple of weeks. At the end of July the guys introduced me me to Relic Blade. This is another small team fantasy skirmish game. It uses an action pool and its a fun game. 

I had a team of Rangers and Ed was using the Pigs. Here we are advancing towards the objective. I have planted a trap near the Objective
Here is the rest of the team waiting their turn to advance
Ed's War Pigs are advancing up behind some ruins
The Rangers have advanced I had a go at unlocking the objective but my guys could not open a bar of chocolate. My Archer introduced himself to the game with a critical hit on a Pig. He then got in another max damage non critical pigs that left two Pigs disabled.
I big fight erupts around the objective, my Sabre Tooth Cat tried to eat the injured Pig and it did eventually eat the pig and his friend who got up after being disabled.
In the end I managed to kill off all the Pigs but ran out of time to unlock the box so the game ended in a draw.
This is a fun game that's easy to pick up and after a more extensive analysis but the experienced players is regarded as remarkably well balanced and not very exploitable.

The first weekend in August we got in some games of Carnevale.

I used my Doctors to play Richards Vampire team We had to control 4 barrels at the end of the game and could get two points if we completed both agendas
On the other side of the building the rest of the team. I had two electron cannoneers back up by madmen so I could do a pretty heavy strike if I could line things up right 
I buffed Frankenstein with some blood and celestial magic and jumped him over to the middle of the table.
The Vampire coven advanced The big guy with wings is the obvious combat monster but the Reaper and the boss are also close comba

t killers
A big fight errupted and Frank took out the big winged vampire but was then finished off by the Reaper
The Reaper bounced over and attacked my Leader, who parried like mad and ended up taking no damage.
My other team advanced over their bridge and after a big fight with the Lady boss vampire we managed to finish her off with 20,000 volts
The Vampire Thralls were lurking in the building but they did not want to come and fight crew, which was good because I didn't have much will power left and it would have taken a couple of turns to manipulate it back to useful levels
This is a shot from Alan and James's game. James is using a big giant statue. This game depended much more on completing the objectives. 


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