How to get your team killed - Kill Team

 Over Christmas Alan and I got in a game of Kill Team. We are getting back into this game because its more widely played and this increases the chance of expanding our gaming group. It helps that Kill Team is a fun game. You can scratch your hobby itch for a faction without needing to invest in a whole army.

This is our layout. I am using the Elucidian Starstriders. Alan was using his newly completed Grey Knights. We are playing Loot.
I have managed to advance a bit and boop some buttons and Triangulate two of the sides. I lots a couple of models.
At the end of the turn I called in an orbital strike and the lance vapourised a Knight. This weapon is 6/7 AP2. Alan did manage to save one of the hits but still took 19 damage. 
I had a plan for turn two. My assassin leapt around the corner and stabbed Alan's leader. However Grey Knights don't die easily so he stayed alive long enough to activate and kill the assassin right back. I expected that but I didn't expect the lose the Electromeister as well. Drat, Double Drat,
Step 2 of my plan and the wheels start to come off. Elucidia moved over and user her digital lasers. I hit on 3 and got a reroll. Each hit does two mortal wounds. However, I only got three hits and rerolled a 1 into a 1. This left Alan's marine alive on 2 wounds. Leaving me another angry space marine to deal with.
I then forgot part three of the plan and moved the doggie. While impressive to race across the table pick up the package and leap a tall building in a single bound, it left a Knight alive that would have been better dead.

The Grey knight then charged in and killed my arms woman and the Sergeant at arms (these were the models that were going to chain activate to kill the knight). Curses, foiled again.

To add insult to injury, this knight then activated first and killed my Doctor and Elucidia. Thats 4 kills.

By the start of turn 4 I was down to one model. I managed to vapourise another Grey Knight before my last Armsman was exterminated. I think I managed to kill another couple of Grey Knights so there were two knights left when all the dust settled.

Watching some of the fun battle reports I really like Mountainside Tabletop. Kill team is a game that can go south really fast.

The main lesson is if you have a plan, don't forget it half way through.


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