Kill Team - Chaos Space Marine Legionnaires.

I played Daniel in a game of Kill team. He was using an Ultramarine Intercession squad. This seemed to be the perfect opportunity to try out my new Word Bearers team. I bought this from Nathan's shop over the Christmas Holidays.

The Word Bearers are great because they can belong to any of the Chaos Gods. The Meta seems to favour Nurgle. I liked the abilities Tzeentch gives so I gave that mark to my 4 shooters and Mark of Undivided for my Melee fighters. Getting a reroll when the enemy is within 6 inches is going to be useful if you only have 6 in range weapons.

Here is a heavy gunner, Warrior and the Shrive Talon on one side.
Here is my Chosen and the Plasma Gunner, in addition I have a Balefire Acolyte for some Warp powered support. 
Here we are part way through the first turning point. The Acolyte had buffed the heavy bolter, who then moved around the corner and shot two of the Intercessors down to 1HP. I was initially disappointed not to have killed one of them, but Tzeentch knew better. This was useful because it rendered two models almost combat ineffective. When my warrior moved up he got damaged by the "angel of Death" return shot. The third intercessor warrior moved up and shot the heavy gunner.
The Assault intercessor sergeant moved up and looted the objective while concealed behind the barricade. One of the Intercessors is being a corpse marker ready for me to desecrate later. The other shooter is wounded on 1 wound.
My Plasma gunner activated last in the first turning point and moved and dashed up to the barricade the intercessor was hiding behind, A maximal plasma gun shot took him down to two wounds. He then shot back with his pistol and then charged into close combat. The plasma gunner took a hit but then killed off the Assault intercessor.
The Plasma gunner then activated, moved up, shot the assault intercessor off one objective and looted it.
At this point the Ultramarines were down to 3 models one of which was badly wounded so they withdrew. 
The Adeptus Munitor files they were sent to recover were not worth the cost in marine lives.

This was a fun game and has got me inspired to build some more models.


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