Battlefleet Gothic - which end of the ship is the front?

The Club had an open day on Saturday. I got to play a casual game of Battle Fleet Gothic. I took my Imperial fleet out for a spin. Some of these ships have not left port in 20 years.

I have 4 cruisers with 2 firestorm escorts. All my ship bases have names. I wrote these on with a white marker pen. If I do more, especially for the Chaos Fleet I think I will create the names and stick them on.
The first ship in the formation is The Mars Cruiser, Imperial Endeavour, flanked by the Dominator class cruisers Human Enterprise and Marathon Triumphant. Admiral Akrell was in overall command of the fleet, and his flag was aboard the Dictator Cruiser, Eternal Vigilance.
Sensor pings showed several enemy captial ships approaching. Range over 120,000 Kilometers and closing. One of the ships spawned several small dots marking it as a carrier. These were flanked by two wolfpacks of escorts.
With the range counting down inside 100,000 kilometres the Imperial ships opened fire with their Nova cannons. We were targeting the center of the capital ship formation. This was where the commander was most likely situated. It also allowed the most margin for error. 

While the crews may have been inexperienced but their drilling had been exacting. The Nova cannons spooled up to power and the huge projectiles were fired at a high fraction of light speed. It was taking almost 2 seconds to cover the distance. During that time the enemy ships will move thousands of kilometres on their own.

The results of the initial salvoes, the enemy carrier was crippled and listing out of formation. The other ships have taken minor damage. Their escorts have been decimated by an initial bomber wave. A second strike is being positioned so that the slaughter class cruiser will run into it before it can maneuver. The Firestorms from Seeker Flotilla have taken out their opposite numbers.
The Endeavour has drawn the fire and with its shields drained under the enemy barrage has taken some hull damage.
With the range now down to less than 10,000 kilometers, the capital ships engaged in a close-range slugging match. Shields are overloaded and hull plating ruptures. One of the chaos ships suffers a direct hit to its command tower and with many of its senior officers killed its further participation will be limited. The Endeavor again takes the brunt of the enemy fire and system after system is damaged until the ship is crippled.
Waves of Ordnance bot attack craft are exchanged doing more damage to any ship within reach.
Admiral Akrell had found his ship in single combat with an enemy Slaughter class. In a feat of seamanship, the Vigilance managed to weather the enemy fire and end up behind the main chaos fleet. The Vigilance's damage control teams performed exeplary service and made 4 out of 4 brace for impact saves preventing the ship from taking hull damage
The two fleets have now passed each other and it will take some time to move away turn around and reform so we ended the engagement here with both fleets moving off to lick their wounds.

This game was a lot of fun. There are some more events of BFG coming up at the club in the next few months so there will be plenty of opportunities for more games.


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