
Showing posts from 2024

Warhammer 40k - Curses, those slippery Necrons

After two wins my third game was against the Necrons. There were none of the classic, Warriors, Immortals or Destroyers in this list. The Necrons, got the first turn and their big scout walker moved forwards, The Plague Marines attacked it. I forgot the grenade stratagem when I first attacked. Some additional mortal wounds might have been critical. This was a big attritional battle, all the plague marines were incapacitated. The Walker got down to 1 wound at least once The terminators are occupying the middle as usual. Here are the Necrons, a leader, some Lich Guard, some jump pack guard and some jetbikes. The Blight Drone moved up to attack on the other side, it was squirting some Necrons. Here is a view from the side The entire Necron Army moves to attack the drone,  The Necrons finish the drone off in combat. The drone then explodes and showers then in daemonic ichor The Blightlord terminators arrive and kill off the Necron Walker. The Necrons move to cover the objectives on that si

Warhammer 40k - A Tragedy of Harlequins

 In the second game we were up against some Harlequins and Wraith Blades. On the right flank was the Blight Drone In the middle were the Terminators Stuck behind the colosseum wall were the Plague Marines, I should have put them more centrally. I got the first turn and pretty much whiffed. I managed to kill one Wraith Blade only for the Bone singer to break out some classical hymns and recreate it. The Elves charged into the Terminators. Now was the perfect time to use the sorcerers damage reduction ability. The Elves kill off a Terminator, but they hold. The Plague Marines arrive and the Harlequins remember another pressing appointment elsewhere, we manage to kill a Wraith Blade just in time for it to come back. Now everyone is fighting the Wraith Blades and they are falling faster than they can come back. The final Eldar falls drowning in a tide of Nurgle diseases. I didn't get a shot of the funniest part of he game. The Bloat Drone squirted the Death Jester, he then returned fir

Warhammer 40k - some painted armies

Here are some of the armies that were at the tournament. Here are some Marines. I didn't play this force but there are not very many of them. Some Daemons, good to see some other followers of Nurgle. A few more marines, although they could be Pizza delivery guys based on the box they are in. Here are some tricksy Elves, a performance of Harlequins and a pit crew of Constructs. Turns out I would face them next. Great to see everyone playing with nicely painted armies  

Warhammer 40K - the Sacking of St Trinians

In the first game, my Death Guard were up against some Sisters of Battle. This place was disgustingly clean and pure, it was completely absent of any blessings of the garden of Nurgle. The theme of the tournament was "the Colosseum Cup" so the table I played on had round circular walls and ruins. I got the first turn and my Plague Marines advanced up the left flank. The Blightlord terminators and sorcerer advanced up the guts My Blight Drone buzzed round the flanks. It first squirted the canoness with caustic fluid and she dissolved into goo. But then with the blessings of the Emperor she got better.  Here is a squad of Batle Sisters guarding their home objective. The Sisters advance and get drenched in corrosive acid. The big mob of Club and Shield Sisters charge the Plague Marines. A brutal war of attrition results The Plague Drone, put down the Canoness and then squrted the rest of the sisters. I have Infection Markers on the objectives I have controlled. (the first Space

Hobby update - an outbreak of Death Guard

Aiden was organising a 500 point 40k event. I think I had played 1 game of 10th edition and no games using Pariah Nexus.  I decided to take Death Guard, I was going to take Plague zombies and Typus but you can't take named characters so plague zombies were out and Blight Lord Terminators were in. My list was 10 plague parines 5 blightlord terminators 1 sorcerer in terminator armour 1 foetid bloat drone I had a week to finish painting the terminators.eek! I got it done in plenty of time (Thursday) Here is a quick shot of team Smelly before they board their drop ship. I also made some markers of disabled space marines that I could use to indicate I had infected an objective. 

Kill Team - trying the new edition

  On the launch date of the new edition I took a team down to play Alex and his Novitiates. I took my Son of the Cyclops team of Legionaries. The are all marked Tzeentch. In the end I left the plasma gunner at home and took the Annointed instead. I know conventional wisdom would say always take the plasma gunner, but Plasma isn't what it once was. I took the 4 bits of faction equipment. Here are a couple of shots of my Angels of Death team. In this edition the squad Justinian and the Intercessor team are combined. Here is Alan and Ed trying out a game of AoS Spearhead. Spoilers (to no ones surprise this looks like a lot of fun. Here is an overview of the meeting, plenty of people having fun. Here are some shots from the game, we got quite a bit of the rules wrong but we had fun. My Aspiring Champion has dashed around the corner and got to within 2 inches of the Canoness unfortunately he didn't take her out with his plasma pistol, then he burned his finger checking whether the g

Call to Arms - other games

 Dale Elvy and his friends returned to Call to Arms and were putting on an excellent looking demo game series of Man-o-War. They had several fleets of beautifully painted models. Here are some shots from their games. This looks like Dark Elf, Norse and Nurgle fleets attacking some High Elves. The purpose of this attack was to seize control of some forts guarding the Brettonnian coast. Here are some Brettonnians trying to protect their coasts. On day two there was a massive multi fleet battle. The Flames of War games looked amazing, all the tables had immersive terrain.