Stagrave mission 1 The wild frontier
I made a banner for the new campaign. I have had all sorts of fun using different tools to strip out the parts of images I want and then modify and combine them.

Here is a quick surveillance drone scan. We have the Techno Barbarian Reapers meeting with the Mad scientists from Universal Medications Incorporated. Both these groups are highly suspicious of outsiders so meeting in a played-out mining town where law enforcement is low (or cheap) seems highly unlikely without a substantial profit margin.
The potential for double cross and chaos seems high and only a small push might start an avalanche of violence leaving all factions weaker.
The Rogue Scientist is accompanied by 2 Warbots and the Reaper chieftain has a large contingent of warriors as backup.
The master supported by a mercenary trooper enhanced with Dalek technology, a warrior linked to the Dalek battle computer and a cyber hacker, scout the edge of town."Hmm, it looks like we have a powder keg right next to a tinder box, all we need is the right spark and then chaos."
After activating his personal camouflage, the Master led the team towards and nearby cache of data records. Trooper Lytton climbed on the roof and tried to shoot the Reaper warrior in the middle of the street. Later on, it proved useful that he was unsuccessful in his attempts.
The action is hotting up all down main (and only) street. You can see a couple of Ed's Serenity crew at the near end. They have just run into one of Richard's forcefields. George's captain is having fun lobbing homing grenades into anyone in the street from the building on the left. The exchange has been made and the members of both factions are following their exit strategies. Alan's crew are advancing down from the alley in the top left corner. My crew are coming on from the top right.After activating his personal camouflage, the Master led the team towards and nearby cache of data records. Trooper Lytton climbed on the roof and tried to shoot the Reaper warrior in the middle of the street. Later on, it proved useful that he was unsuccessful in his attempts.

Here is the action from the other side of the force field. George has been bombarding the Reapers with grenades so they return the favour by charging into combat. Some of Richard's crew are adding to the excitement with bursts of fire from their weapons. The scientist is making his escape in the bottom right. Alan's crew is just off to the top right.
One of the Reapers is facing off against the Warbot. Alan's team are using a stealth approach to extract the data from the ancient navigation carving.
The Dalek commander arrives bring the rest of the team. Temporal manipulation to boost the speed of the safe cracker failed, too much interference.
The mad scientist's escape shuttle arrives right behind my team. So, the scientist and his warbots will be exiting through my team. This is a Buzz Lightyear hyper speed model ship. It's also armed so we need to get away from it.
Having secured the data loot, the hacker and the Master make a break for it.
Some Reapers and some of Richard's crew arrive and start marching to the sound of weapons fire. Then they realise how close they are, it looks like its Koum Valley all over again.
Not wanting to be left out of all the fun another group of Reapers arrive behind my team. My firing line will need to reorient itself to deal with these guys.
The Dalek and the Chisler have made it to the physical loot. They are coming under fire from Alan's team and are out gunned.
One of the Warbots has made it to the ally. It can't shoot me because of my smoke screen. So, it shoots across the street at Alan's crew.
The Reapers advance and the crew turn to meet them
The Master tries a Grenade trap, but it's total pants and he can't find the pin on the grenade. At least he was smart enough to remain out of charge range.
The hacker made it off the table with some data loot.
The Dalek picks up the physical loot and retreats into the building. My Chisler, is wounded and detailed to hold off one of the warbots. My Bruiser is hiding behind a table that's rapidly coming apart under the weight of fire.
Dealing with the Reapers proves problematic. I manage to separate them but I still to a lot of damage getting rid of them. The Master spent the next several turns healing team members back into some sort of shape Trooper Lytton got taken out by a shot from the reaper with a gun.
Gunfire from the Ogryns and the shuttle wounds one of the Reapers. He is so high on combat drugs he doesn't feel it yet.
The Dalek Hybrids are engaging the Reapers, they are expensive so I would rather not lose them
The warbots and the mad scientist are coming under fire from Alan's crew. The fact that most of them are in melee with my crew is not an inhibiting factor. Alan's team are extracting after recovering another treasure item.
Alan managed to take down the mad scientist at which point his shuttle left. It was lucky that Richard had managed to defuse his doomsday device, or we could all be in a lot of trouble.
The mad scientist dropped his data loot and the Master ran over and picked it up covered by the Dalek.
The Dalek commander arrives bring the rest of the team. Temporal manipulation to boost the speed of the safe cracker failed, too much interference.
The mad scientist's escape shuttle arrives right behind my team. So, the scientist and his warbots will be exiting through my team. This is a Buzz Lightyear hyper speed model ship. It's also armed so we need to get away from it.
Having secured the data loot, the hacker and the Master make a break for it.
Some Reapers and some of Richard's crew arrive and start marching to the sound of weapons fire. Then they realise how close they are, it looks like its Koum Valley all over again.
Not wanting to be left out of all the fun another group of Reapers arrive behind my team. My firing line will need to reorient itself to deal with these guys.
The Dalek and the Chisler have made it to the physical loot. They are coming under fire from Alan's team and are out gunned.
One of the Warbots has made it to the ally. It can't shoot me because of my smoke screen. So, it shoots across the street at Alan's crew.
The Reapers advance and the crew turn to meet them
The Master tries a Grenade trap, but it's total pants and he can't find the pin on the grenade. At least he was smart enough to remain out of charge range.
The hacker made it off the table with some data loot.
The Dalek picks up the physical loot and retreats into the building. My Chisler, is wounded and detailed to hold off one of the warbots. My Bruiser is hiding behind a table that's rapidly coming apart under the weight of fire.
Dealing with the Reapers proves problematic. I manage to separate them but I still to a lot of damage getting rid of them. The Master spent the next several turns healing team members back into some sort of shape Trooper Lytton got taken out by a shot from the reaper with a gun.
Gunfire from the Ogryns and the shuttle wounds one of the Reapers. He is so high on combat drugs he doesn't feel it yet.
The Dalek Hybrids are engaging the Reapers, they are expensive so I would rather not lose them
The warbots and the mad scientist are coming under fire from Alan's crew. The fact that most of them are in melee with my crew is not an inhibiting factor. Alan's team are extracting after recovering another treasure item.
Alan managed to take down the mad scientist at which point his shuttle left. It was lucky that Richard had managed to defuse his doomsday device, or we could all be in a lot of trouble.
The mad scientist dropped his data loot and the Master ran over and picked it up covered by the Dalek.
I ended up with a suit of enhanced armour and a bunch of money. That's enough to fix some of the damage to the ship "I've sealed up the hull now she will run" and recruit some new crew members. Everyone recovered after the battle except Lytton who got wounded and will start the next mission at reduced health.
Fortunately I didn't have to fly through any asteroids to get out of the system.
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