Stargrave Campaign - Pregame space encounter.

We are using the spaceship rules from the Bold Endeavour supplement, what could possibly go wrong?

Here is the Master's ship emerging from the Time vortex
"The temporal and spatial coordinates are confirmed correct."

Wham - special effects noise of a car crash

"Alert - we are under attack! Deploy defence shields, evasive manouvres, locate and exterminate enemy vessels!"

"Sensors do not detect enemy vessels!"

"It looks like we have come out of the vortex into an asteroid storm, except it's not on any of the charts! It's not my fault!"

"It looks like we have taken damage in Engineering, I better get down there and make repairs."

I made the two piloting rolls but the navigation roll was a catastrophic failure.

Richard nearly got pulled into a Black Hole. Alan also encountered the Asteroids and George's ship was almost stretched like pasta by a Dark Star. Ed missed out on all the fun. Three of us took damage to their ships. 


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