Case 6 - Investigating Watch Station 37

After our battle on the plague infested derelict space craft, we discovered that the escape pods and small craft had been launched. The thought of dozens of craft floating around the system filled with plague zombies was horrifying. They could spread plague across the system and even beyond if infected ships fled the system.

Watch Station 37 was in the outer system and monitored the shipping entering and leaving the system from one of the more stable points in the warp. It was relatively small with only about 3000 crew. 

When we intercepted a transmission from one of their Search and Rescue units stating that they had recovered an old imperial shuttle and were taking the crew to Medlab. Then there were some garbled and panicked transmissions ending in silence.

So we set off to find out what magnitude of disaster was unfolding. If we could not get any outbreaks under control we might have to exterminatus the entire system.

We finally boarded the station, it was quiet, too quiet. So, we set of to Medlab to find out what had happened.

We had to replace several members of the band after the last mission. We reactivated the Arcoflagellent, recruited Sergeant Major Williams and let the chef join the expedition.
We started picking up some possible lifesigns when we got close to Medlab, definitely irregular movement. It turned out to be a band of abhuman looters. Later they tried to tell me they were licensed recovery and salvage agents. "Honest guvnor".
There were also some Arbites. There are about to be some unfriendly fire incidents.
Here is Medlab. This part of the station looks ancient and not very well maintained.
Here we are advancing, Squats to the left of us, Arbites to the right of us. plague zombies behind us, what could go wrong?
We chuck a smoke grenade over the nearest loot marker and rush over. Engineer Rumzen looks on while Dr Needles unlocks the box. This turned out to be some ration bars worth 75 credits. That barely keeps Magrat's power armour in lubricants.
The Squats have already broken into Medlab and encountered a plague zombie.
The Arbites officer tries to arrest my chef for careless use of a flamethrower. "sorry officer, I thought you were one of those zombie things, honest". I got let off with a mild clubbing with his shock maul.
Gunner Graeme, might have made him angry after shooting his robot dog.
The inquisitor tried to get the Arbites to stand down. The response was something like "I've lost count of the number of badges I have seen show me something to respect. Standing in a corridor waving your sword at angry troopers armed with machine guns might not be the best idea. 
Dr Needles hand the box back to Rumzen and then vanishes back into the smoke. Unlike last game my smoke clouds stayed for the whole game.
A group of former crew members arrived near the Arbites. These looked like they escaped from one of the detention levels, so this might be personal.
The Squats have been looting medlab. One of them has the ability to remotely hack into the imperial data net and remove files. 
"Halt in the name of the Inquisition!" "We have authority here do not force us to engage you!" We don't recognise your authority, we have authority here. 
Sergeant Major Williams stepped around the corner and yelled "Doubt the authority of the inquisition, maybe this will convince you." He then shot the arbites captain with his overclocked arc-shotgun and got a critical hit. The captain spasmed and fell to the ground with a clatter of armour. "that is a very compelling argument" before losing consciousness.
Gunner Graeme, Trooper Sugden, Chef and Bob the servo skull are trying to deter the Arbites from doing anything rash.
Magrat goes into the room and grabs the loot from the unconscious Arbites captain. This turned out to be an advanced pistol. We also unleashed the ArcoFlagellant who raced into the room swinging his flails in bluringly fast arcs. Magrat used her Smash and Grab power to make the pistol case almost weightless, perfect for a quick getaway.
Some Plague zombies arrived behind Gunner Graeme, Thomas was rolling for their arrival and several arrived behind me.
We started to pull back out of the medlab. The squats had taken all the data.
Fall back to the Storm Raven, we have got everything we can.
Inquisitor, we are not getting out that way. The troopers try and fend off the plague zombies. Bob took a blow from a rusted weapon when he tried to save the troopers. 
Inquisitor Rathbourne arrived to save his troopers.
Trooper Sugden puts down the zombie trooper with his bayonet. "They don't like it up em Sir"
The zombie attacks the Inquisitor who avoids its clumsy attacks and takes its head off
Magrat and team make it out via another corridor.
The only casualty was the Arcoflagellant but he recovered (and is free to replace so normally no loss) As a robot (a sanctified cyborg) he can't catch zombie pox so is perfect for fighting the plague stricken.

Now however the corridors are swarming with plague zombies and we are cut off from the landing bays. Now we need another way out.


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