Stargrave 40K - Case 4 the Tesseract Vault

After defeating the Genestealers in the swamp and killing the Magos, Inquisitor Rathbourne led his crew in pursuit of Malus.

It looked like Malus's band had excavated their way into a huge subsurface cavern. In the cavern there was a strange glyph covered pyramid like building.

"Well that doesn't look ominous at all."

The interior of the structure was comprised of a series of small rooms. The rooms changed configuration according to some complex algorithm that defied understanding. The complex is also full of Necrons. 
The Necron lord and his bodyguard.
The Inquisitor leads his warband into a room filled with Necron Warriors.
The Necrons are defeated but the price is the loss of the flagellant.
The Necron lord leads his troops towards Malus.
As doors open and close, new pathways are opened for the Necrons. Multiple bogies closing on our position.
The Inquisitor and Space Marine advanced further into the building.
Malus and her warband were having a warm reception from the Necrons  
Malus's team is getting caught in a crossfire.
We engage another group of Necrons while the supporting guardsmen move up.
Another patrol of Necrons arrives in the structure
On the other side of the structure my Lieutenant is leading the guardsmen on a circuitous route to another loot token. However this put them into contact with the Necron Lord.
Bombardier Beamont threw a smoke grenade and then moved into combat with the Necron Lord to buy time for he rest of the team to get away.
Some members of Malus's team end up in a bad part of town.
Gunner Parkin had been working on this loot token. Some Necron Warriors have the idea of working on him.
Beamont finds a weak spot in the Necron Lord's structure and takes him down to one wound.
A gaunch wanders into the room with my Lieutenant. The creature left qiuickly and in pieces. 
The room with the Necron Lord and Beaumont appeared nect to Malus's warband. A barrage of grenades and gunfire entered the room. The Necron Lord's structure fragmented and the forces holding him together failed and he fell to bits. Beaumont was wounded in the exchange but managed to roll a grenade into the room with Malus and her retinue. The grenade missed the two troopers but blasted into Inquisitor Malus. This destroyed her miniturised masterwork machinegun. 
The Necrons continue their assault on Malus's warriors.
Rathbourne, Derek and Brother Patrocles get attacked by some Scarabs, Trooper Sugden looks on while two Necron Warriors want to make his aquaintance.
The rescue party arrives and saves Gunner Parkin
Trooper Sugden wonders where all his friends went. A Necron Immortal wants to make sure he isn't lonely for too long.
We manage to Rescue Gunner Sugden and everyone falls back to the exit point.
In the end we made it off the table, everyone survived apart from the Flagellent who was a casualty, in the first room. We recovered two loot tokens. We almost killed the Necron lord although we did deliver 400 credits to Malus. Curses, that's another fur lined spa pool going into her ship.

We did get enough money to buy an armaments workshop for the ship. I hired a member of the Mechanicus to install it for me. This saved me 120 credits so was cheaper than using non-union labour.

This was a great game. The mind-bending nature of the maze allowed people to both help and hinder. Sometimes there were situations where moving the rooms to help one of your team opened new passages for the Necrons.

For the next game we are heading out into space.


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