Mars : Code Aurora - Hungry Hungry Xenos

Alan and I tried out a second game of Mars Code Aurora, this time Alan used his Inquisition warband as Science, while I used my Gale Force 9 xenomorphs as the Hunger faction.

Here are my Sarissa Precision Scifi colony buildings on my FLG asteroid mat and some home made terrain.
Here are some scout Xenomorphs. The hunger faction get to redeploy up to 6 level 1 infantry, so I could put these anywhere and then reposition them when Alan had finished deploying.
Here are some Xenomorphs ready to go exploring
Here are some Xenos and the queen
Here we are about to infest the other side of the colony.
Here are the inquisition bad boys
The xenomorphs advance down the corridors. The queen is inside the buildings but the model doesn't fit
A Xenomorph is waiting inside the pod. The grey crates are what in inquisition is looking for. Maybe some valuable administratum paperwork.
Alan's death cultist ran around the corner and attacked a Xemomorph
Sweeps of its blades killed the xenomorph. I wonder how bare feet and Acid blood mix. 
I made a mistake here, I thought I had a lot of time to deal with this model but Alan brough up an officer who ordered the Death Cultist to attack again and that killed the second xenomorph. If I had used one of my activations, it was likely that the xeno would have killed the cultist.
One of Alan's warriors makes it into the room and kills the Xeno but gets splashed with acid and is now wounded. In the background Alan's sniper is fending off a stream of facehuggers and drones. In the background you can see Gorman offering enlistment pamphlets to the inquisition warband members.

Alan sent one of his offiers to kill a drone. The queen jumped up on the roof and got taken out by overwatch shots, A warrior xeno then raced over and killed the officer with one swipe of its claws and then dropped down out of sight. There are only a few xenomorphs left at this point and the inquisition is advancing with bounding overwatch so its hard to attack without getting shot to bits.
The inquisition advancing to try and get the drop on the Xeno.

The inquisition start falling back to the evacuation point.
Bishop had been wandering around investigating the alien ship and other architectural finds. Gorman had been trying to interest the Inquisition in joining the Colonial Marines. 
In the final turn the last Xenomorph was in combat with one of Alan's warriors, the inquisition warrior got to activate first and finished off the Alien and with that the Alien menace was over.

Alan had captured three of the 6 boxes and then rolled the number to complete his mission. He also completed his secondary mission of killing the Alien Queen. The Xenomorphs lost more of their points values so had their primary mission and failed to kill the inquisitor so didn't get their secondary either.


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