Hobby Update - the Apocalypse Week 5
New Zealand has gone into Covid response level 3. Practically this makes no difference.I am still working from home and not going out, except to the supermarket (I get to bring home the bacon) and round the block for a walk. Luke is coming with me and will tell me things about Pokemon that mortal man was not meant to know. Many of my favourite YouTube channels are struggling to create wargaming content while under lock down conditions. Some very loving wives and partners have been drafted to take part in games. A shout out to these unheralded heroines of gaming (especially when they beat the channel owners). We have been catching up with people via Zoom. This is more social than before we went into lockdown. I have been working on a number of projects. Kill teams are coming along. I am thinking about how I could engineer a campaign with players doing their moves and me playing the games. I might also set up a Rangers of Shadow Deep and play that on the coffee table. I might be ...