
Showing posts from 2025

Hobby Update - The Road to Adepticon part 3

I am playing in the Saga age of Chivalry event at Adepticon. Of course, this meant I needed a new army and the new army book along with the appropriate Saga dice. I'm taking an English Army, based on the Lewes and Evesham battles during one of England's many civil wars.  This models are made from the Wargames Atlantic Medieval peasants. You can make them with more farm implements for a real horde or with more sensible weapons. The Warlord and Hearthguard are from Footsore miniatures Barons War range. Here is an overview of the army. I have 5 points of warriors and 1 point of Hearthguard. The Warlord and his bodyguard. Some of the archers. I have enough for 3 units. Some more archers and some of the spearmen. The Wargames Atlantic models take paint well and I used contrast paint for several of the colours.

Kill Team - why you should always worship Nurgle

 My second league game was against Matt and his chaos cult. So, chaos worshippers were assured of winning this one. We were playing on Bheta Decima. I thought this was the best terrain for me to face a lightly armoured melee team on. I replaced the Grenadier with the Heavy Gunner for this game. Looking at the map I decided to send one operative to attack the far objective, this would force the cultists to allocate a significant number of bodies to ensure thy kept control of this objective. In the end they allocated four cultists. This left 9 to fight 5 marines. I sent the heavy gunner to attack this objective via the overhead gantry I allocated the Icon Bearer and Warrior to the home objective supported by some Razor wire to block charge lanes. This gave the Icon Bearer the easiest path to get over the halfway line and cast contagion for free in turn 2. I allocated the Plague Caster, Champion and Fighter to the central objective. Unless the cult made a serious push for the objectiv...

Kill Team - the Pustulent 7

Between League games I got in a bonus game against Lance and his circle of Necrons. Again, the Heavy gunner was benched. The mission was Intelligence, where you tap the objectives to put points on them and once they have points on them you can pick them up. The operative in control of the objective at the end of the game scores it for their side. Here we are ready to storm the neutral objective. The Warrior and Plague caster are supported by the Bombardier. I have put down a free ploy of cloud of flies to make it even harder to shoot the plague marines. Here is the view of the Necrons opposite my warriors Here are the marines on the other side. And the Necrons opposing them. The Plague Marine fighter moves forwards and secure the near objective. The Champion, Bombardier and Icon Bearer move to threaten the central objective. The poor Deathmark is facing off against half the Plague Marine team. The Warrior and Psycher have made it to the neutral objective. The Deathmark opposing them ha...

Kill team, Plague Marines vs Wreckas

 I was drawn against Tony and his Wrecka crew. The most popular factions in this league iteration are Arbites and Wreckas. Plague Marines and maybe Harlequins also have a couple of teams. Alan has a dark mirror match on Saturday with his Wreckas against the other Plague Marine player. I was of course totally prepared, having never played Wreckas and not played on ITD in third edition. But you don't survive 10,000 years without picking up some tricks. This is the map we are using. I am oozing my way down from the top. I chose that side because it allowed me to secure the middle objective and gave me more access to the room with the neutral objective. The door in the top B3 piece also gave me options to support my home objectives in case the Orks wanted to rush that objective. Here is my main strike force heading to the room, with the neutral objective. This was where I thought the main action would be. I have placed a barricade in the room so I can move in and hide. Alan kindly lent...

Hobby Update - The Road to Adepticon part 2

I also got into the one-day Stargrave event. Inspired by my recent Dro Who themed team I'm using in the campaign I made a team lead by the Doctor. This team is inspired by the episode Day of the Daleks - with a side order or St Trinians fighting zombies or just rebelling against their teachers after listening to too much Pink Floyd. The Models are from Crooked Dice This shot also shows my three objectives I need for the Saga event. My team faction is made up of UNIT soldiers led by Brigadier Lethbridge- Stuart, the St Trinians hockey team and some time travelling rebels from the future. This is the view of the team I will likely see the most. The other side. Finally the front view. I have no idea why sometimes Blogger loads the pictures in the opposite order to the way you numbered them. We have the flamboyant Dr as a time Traveller, the aristocratic Brigadier, 3 unit soldiers, a future rebel, the St Trinians power forward as a Striker, then a Chisler, Bruiser and Runner (already s...

Hobby Update - The road to Adepticon part 1

I got into the Frostgrave event at Adepticon. I then got inspired to make a new warband. I dug through my collection of old models. I bought a Skaven army deal from GW mail order back in about 1995 and the order came signed by Andy Chambers when he was just a mail order processor (not even a mail order troll yet). Here are some models that probably won't make the table, although the model with censor and staff might make a good Apothecary. Here we have a bunch more useful reserves. A Crossbow rat with Jezzail, Storm Vermin Templar, Archer (with Sling), Clan rat Knight, a Plague Monk Barbarian, A Rat at Arms and two Infantry Rats. Pete kindly gave me a couple of the old Isle of Blood Rat Ogres. So I painted them up to be my animal companion Bears. I'm Inspired by one of Richards favorite tactics and am going to recruit-take some rat ogres from Clan Moulder and then leap them onto the central objective. If I get a chance I will buy a scroll of Plague of insects and cast that on t...

Spearhead - Flesh Eater Courts

I played my first game of Spearhead on Saturday. Alan was trying out his new Iron Jaws Ork retinue. Alan did a great job of making sure I had an enjoyable game. I won the roll for initiative and decided to play on the Ghyran map and diagonal deployment. we ended up with the terrain in an almost mirror layout so its like we are fighting across a street in apocalyptic city. In the middle is my leader with a bodyguards of Crypt ghouls, on the right are the Morbleg knights On the left is the Vargulf courtier. Here are Alan's Orks. The big bruiser unit doesn't arrive until turn 3. My idea was to kill as many orks as possible before they showed up. I took the first turn and then moved everyone forwards. My leader proved to be a rather inept wizard, lets hope he is better with his claws. With no shooting, there is no option but to get into combat The Knights kill off two of the berserkers and take the last one down to 1 wound, It strikes back and does one wound to a knight. The Vargul...