Kill Team - the Pustulent 7
Between League games I got in a bonus game against Lance and his circle of Necrons. Again, the Heavy gunner was benched. The mission was Intelligence, where you tap the objectives to put points on them and once they have points on them you can pick them up. The operative in control of the objective at the end of the game scores it for their side.
Here we are ready to storm the neutral objective. The Warrior and Plague caster are supported by the Bombardier. I have put down a free ploy of cloud of flies to make it even harder to shoot the plague marines.And the Necrons opposing them.The Plague Marine fighter moves forwards and secure the near objective. The Champion, Bombardier and Icon Bearer move to threaten the central objective.The poor Deathmark is facing off against half the Plague Marine team.The Warrior and Psycher have made it to the neutral objective. The Deathmark opposing them has its weapon buffed by the Technomancer. The Psycher has poisoned the Necron and then inflicted 3 damage as a counter act.
The Necrons are calculating the optimum time to move into the central objective. However they don't want to bunch up because that will make them great targets for a blight grenade.
Turn 2 was exciting. Here is a view of the board near the end of the turn. I activated my Warrior, put some intelligence on the objective and then picked it up. I moved the Plague caster forwards too out the Deathmark, ran over and secured the hatch. In the middle I waited until the Necrons put an intelligence point on their objective then shot the Deathmark off the objective. Then the Aspiring Champion dashed over picked it up and ran back around the corner. This left the only active objective as the one my fighter was sitting on and only one Necron warrior was opposing him.The Plage Marine fighter put an intelligence point on the last objective and then demonstrated that a rusty cleaver can beat living metal.
At the end of the game the Plague Marines have taken all three objective markers back to their deployment zone. The Bombardier made a suicide charge into the room with all the Necrons and blew up several with a blight grenade and bolter fire before succumbing to return fire. The Necrons took enough time killing the plague caster that they could not make it over the half way line. Both sides were using the Control objective contain so got points if the enemy were not in your half of the table. The Necron Warrior hack down by the fighter pulled himself together and ran through the doorway into the room with the plague marines home objective only to find it empty. This did prevent the plague marines from scoring the full 6 points for contain.So another success for the Plague Marines.
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