Kill Team - trying the new edition


On the launch date of the new edition I took a team down to play Alex and his Novitiates.

I took my Son of the Cyclops team of Legionaries. The are all marked Tzeentch. In the end I left the plasma gunner at home and took the Annointed instead. I know conventional wisdom would say always take the plasma gunner, but Plasma isn't what it once was.

I took the 4 bits of faction equipment.

Here are a couple of shots of my Angels of Death team. In this edition the squad Justinian and the Intercessor team are combined.

Here is Alan and Ed trying out a game of AoS Spearhead. Spoilers (to no ones surprise this looks like a lot of fun.
Here is an overview of the meeting, plenty of people having fun.

Here are some shots from the game, we got quite a bit of the rules wrong but we had fun.

My Aspiring Champion has dashed around the corner and got to within 2 inches of the Canoness unfortunately he didn't take her out with his plasma pistol, then he burned his finger checking whether the gun was actually on.

The heavy gunner got on the roof and blasted a novice. (she failed her practical in absorbing heavy bolter rounds).

The Balefire Acolyte moved round the corner and blasted the novitate on the left, the blast then spilling over onto the Canoness killing her as well. The Acolyte was then taken out in one shot with a blessed stake (not steak). The anti psycher abilities of the Condemnor have to be experienced first hand to be believed
Here are a group of novices getting ready for some turn two activity. My Annointed has moved up and is lurking in some cover.
My standard bearer had moved up using the Tzeentch ploy to get an extra action and used the tainted rounds opened fire twice on the novitiates. I killed the pentient who was then healed by the medic, who then got shot down to one wound with the second burst. After some counter fire the chaos marine got charged by the newly healed penitent and after using faith points and CPs for rerolls she managed to land the critical hit needed to kill the marine. The Howling Griffons cheered to see the follower of the Dark Gods taken down by a vessel of the emperors will.
The Annointed went into full deamon mode and charged two novitiates. Both were torn apart by daemonic claws. 

At this point there were the novitiates sporting a total of 4 wounds left so we called the game.


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