Kill Team - learning game

 The Warlords got in a night of gaming on the 23rd. Aiden had organised the 40k event, so I introduced him to Kill team.

We played Angles of Death vs Legionaries according to the meta chasers that's two power factions. I'm not sure whether a meta chaser is like an ambulance chaser but just more.

I was still fresh from using Death Guard, so I took an all Nurgle marked team. I had an Aspiring Champion with bolt pistol and power sword. A heavy gunner with Missile launcher, a Gunner with Melta gun, an Icon Bearer with Bolt gun, a Balefire Acolyte and a Butcher. 
The Balefire Acolyte climbed up and Soul Drained one of the Howling Griffons. They had, Intercessor sergeant with plasma pistol, the Eliminator Sniper, intercessor gunner, assault intercessor grenadier and a couple of intercessors. The Acolyte took damage from the return fire. The gunner and champion are waiting behind the door for it to be an objective scoring turn.
On the other flank the intercessor sergeant, grenadier, and an intercessor face off against the icon bearer, butcher and melta gunner.
The butcher is leading the advance, covered by the meltagunner and the icon bearer.
The assault intercessor bravely threw himself onto the butchers cleaver. (building removed for clarity)
The Icon Bearer moved up and infected the objective.
The missile launcher climbed to the roof and zapped one of the marines down to wounded, The marine then moved up to boop the button but got charged and killed by the aspiring champion, who then infected the objective for Nurgle and revealed Overrun (scoring 2 points) The Balefire had done some more soul draining and then hopped down to avoid getting sniped 
The Champion charged and killed the intercesor gunner and hung around long enough to get the second point for Overrun. The Balefire and gunner offer their support
The Metagunner had zapped one of the marines down to one wound, he then got charged by the sergeant and managed to damage him and survive to require a second round of attacks. The sergeant was then finished off by the Icon Bearer, the intercessor got zapped by a krak missile.

The Eliminator sniper managed to down the champion with his pack up pistol. He then got soul drained by the Acolyte.

In the end the legionaries managed to take this section of rubble (no doubt of strategic significance to someone) and sprinkle the blessing of Nurgle into the otherwise barren earth.

Loads of fun and some great cinematic moments. The Indomitable ability is great. It's also really difficult to one shot 14 wound marines.


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