Rangers of ShadowDeep - Into the Deep

I the second mission we were sent into the ShadowDeep (Wales) to find out what is going on. The newly rescued Marion has joined the team.
Here we are at the top of the escarpment
Looking down the path we can see three ruined buildings. The air hangs heavy with the stench of death.
Two giant flies buzz towards the team, One gets taken out by a swat from Much's staff. Several members of the team are sickened by the stench of this place and are weakened by nausea.
Robin, Marion and John lead the advance one fly is dealt with, but another takes its place.
More  flies emerge and are swatted.
Friar Tuck made it to one of the ruined buildings and set it on fire. Robin encountered a clue marker.

No Flies on us this turn, Will Scarlet makes it to a second building and prepares to set it one fire.
We uncover evidence of someone camping here, the team make it to the bottom of the stairs.

Hopefully the train of burning buildings we left won't signal any intelligent opponents.



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