Kill Team - Nightmare

I got in a game of Kill Team on Staturday I brought my Mandrakes and Hamish played the Nemisis Claw so we got to play a Nightmare scenario right from the box.
The Mandrakes are on the left and the Night Lords are on the right 
Here we are all lined up, I took Executioner, Rob and Ransack and the Death in Darkness faction tack opp. So plenty of reasons to kill Chaos Marines.

The key action from Turn one, my Chooser of the Slain charged the Plasma Gunner, I charged through the terrain and went to hack down the specialist but the dice were not nice I only took him down to 1 wound. This meant I didn't get the two soul tokens. 
In a comedy of competence, my warrior charged the Screacher and inflicted one critical hit before getting killed. Then the Screacher charged the second warrior who struck first and inflicted a critical hit killing the Night Lord. This allowed me to get Rob and Ransack.
The Night Lord heavy gunner had climbed up on the roof for a better angle, The Mandrake lit him up with a Soul Blast. Wounding the hulking marine, even wounded the marine managed to fire back and kill a Mandrake and almost damaged the second. The second salvo missed both the marine and the Claw leader. (Hamish made some saves that were exactly what he needed)
The Night Lord Ventrilokar was killed by the warrior with an assist of the Chooser of the Slain, Killing the Plasma gunner gave me executioner. The Claw Leader charged and killed the Mandrake behind the barricade. The Mandrake Leader used one of the Soul Tokens to go up to 3 APL. He shot and missed the Claw leader (that guy had almost 9 lives). The Mandrake leader charged and killed the Claw Leader, The soul chamber in the Obouliex saved him from getting hit and then recharged with the Soul of the Claw leader.

In the first activation of TP 3 the Mandrake Leader charged the Skin thief and killed him, this took 3 hits because of his damage reduction, the soul of the Claw leader saved one critical hit of damage but not a second hit. I then blasted 4 hits at the heavy gunner this inflicted enough damage to confirm a kill. On reflection this play would have been better to shoot first and then fight. If I didn't kill the gunner it would not affect the combat but if I didn't kill the Skin Thief I would not have gotten a shot at the gunner.

This was a fun game.


  1. Cool batrep. Always a fun read, thanks for taking the time to document and post these!

    1. Thanks, its fun to write the reports. I find it easier to write reports for Imperial teams


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