Hobby update - Robin of Shadowdeep.

Call to Arms is coming up at the end of August. I'm going to play Rangers of Shadowdeep. I'm adapting it slightly fit one of my favourite shows Robin of Sherwood. 

For my next set of missions, Lady Marion has been captured by Baron De Bellem (a secret devil worshiper) and he plans to sacrifice her for more earthly power. 

After encountering Friar Tuck Robin leads his band of merry men to Rescue the fair lady. I have to get across a river to arrive at the DaemonClaw tower and then race up three levels before the final climatic battle on the roof.

In the TV show Robin stabs the Baron with a magic arrow and he falls over dead.

I'm using my Crooked Dice figures for Robin and the Baron.

I have also been painting some Bulkhead doors. I think some of these came with the original Rogue Trader Kill Team box.

For this scenario the tower needs to have an outer parapet around the top room. So I added one for to tower I built a few years back for Frostgrave. This is made out of Balsawood ad coffee stirrer sticks.

This is the top of the tower after some more work. I painted the wood with a Resene test pot and then washed it with an oil wash made out of black and brown paints. It then got a drybrush of Vallejo Ghost Grey to help age it. Its OK if the planking is a bit dodgy. If you take damage on the Parapet you can fall off and be incapacitated.
This is the lower room. I added some more wooden planking details. I have since made the stairs narrower which makes each floor bigger.

Here we have the back of the top room, the interior walls have been drybrushed with different shades of Grey.

Here is the view of the Scrificial area. I need to add the firepit. I think I will leave off the roasting chicken that comes with it.
I built myself a pentagram out of matchsticks and then attached a Brother Vinni Victim. 

Here are the brave band of heroes. We're off to see the wizard and then stab him in the head.

Here is the cast of Villains (Boo, Hisss) and Marion in a much more martial pose.

Here are a couple of shots of what the start of the climatic battle at the top of the tower might look like.
The heroes are just about to burst in. (Actual results may vary)


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