Carnevale - the Sermons of Dagon

I took my Church of Dagon crew out of a tour of the streets of Venice to spread the good word. The local guilders decided they didn't like the Church interfering with their protection rackets. So they sent out some armed thugs to oppose the will of Dagon

The congregation set forth over the causeway bridge.
Here are some of the guild traders and assassins.
The congregation sets forth. One of the less conventional members of the congregation waits in the water.
The action heats up quickly. The Dagonite priest cast blood rites on the Dagonite officiant. Alan then counter attacked by moving the Black Lamp near the priest on the roof. The Capodoccia then jumped over the roof and stabbed the priest to death. The Voice of Dagon then jumped onto the roof and then sucked the soul out of the Black Lamp off the roof one way and then threw the Capo off the roof to the rest of the congregation.
The Temple officiant also charged down the alleyway and attacked the shipwright. he was taken down to one wound.
Alan's flanking force is getting established. One of the Hybrids bounced over and pushed one of the guilders into the water. 
The Capo is stabbed to death by the officiant and the hybrid. The other officiant is bludgeoned to death with a huge hammer and an oar.
The fish monster is hiding under a bridge, some other skirmishing usually involving sharp pointy spears.
Alan's hunter gets thrown in the water and drowned a bit.
The Voice of Dagon, jumped over the roof and landed next to the black lamp the boat master and the Gondoleer. The Voice then soul drained the boat master. The Gondoleer then got thrown in the water. When the voice jumped after him he got stabbed in the back by Black Lamp. The then Gondoleer got a bit drowned.
The streets clear temporarily, the Voice dragged the Gondoleer into the water and finished him off. He is currently hiding under the bridge.
The Fish monster at the hunter after marinading him in the canal. The temple officiant is trying to drown the Arbalester. The Arbalester had just killed the fish monster by shooting it and then jumping off the roof and delivering the Peoples Elbow. Like most attacks off the top rope it did as much damage to the Arbalester as the fish monster.
The Arbalester and the Black Lamp managed to kill off the Slave and they were just out of reach of the Voice.
We both completed three agendas, mine involved drowning people and killing heroes.

So in the end Alan won with three survivors to two.

This was a great game with loads of cinematic moments. We also got to familiarise ourselves with the drowning rules :-)


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