Blakes 7 - Stargrave Solo campaign

This was a show I really enjoyed growing up. So its great to be able to pay tribute to this show with some games.

I created a Blakes 7 crew to run through the Solo campaign in Quadrant 37. I'm also using the game mat and terrain from Core Space. These does quite a good job of representing a Federation installation.

Blakes 7 didn't have enough characters at any one time for a full Stargrave Crew so I broke some continuity rules and included all the characters from all the seasons.

There is far more complexity to the Blakes 7 universe than came out in the stories. The Federation knew about invaders from the Andromeda galaxy. Unfortunately they didn't have the technology for intergalactic travel. The Federation had to throw all possible efforts into developing new technologies even at the expense of personal liberty and freedoms. They built an automated minefield covering a significant quadrant of the Galaxy nearest to Andromeda. (that probably didn't come cheap)

Its also possible that one of the shows main villains Space Commander Travis had encountered an Andromedan scout force. Unable to determine which are humans and which are Andomedans Tavis kills everyone. This is later used against him as a war crime. Whether its his actions or knowledge that causes his trial is debatable.

So in this campaign Blake has led his crew to Zorcaster to investigate what happened. The Federation have a large base studying captured Andromedan technology especially looking for ways to defeat the Andromedan shape changing ability or uncover some other genetic vulnerability.

Blake and Avon lead two teams down into the base to recover information. Unfortunately not all the Andromedans have been killed and some have invaded the base and are creating biomech war machines to overrun the installation.

Blake and co beam down into a base that is on full alert. Down and safe?? Certainly not.

Here are some shots of the Core Space terrain set up as part of the Federation installation.


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