
Showing posts from November, 2024

Hobby Update - Age of Sigmar - Spearhead terrain

I have been having fun painting my terrain for AOS spearhead. I got to use a range of my favourite techniques and some experiments. The terrain got painted with a selection of grey tones, dry brushed onto the undercoat. The wood is a coat of Gagrax sewer with some brown sand highlights. The metal is Vallejo Bronze. Then everything got a dark green-brown oil wash. This got wiped off most of the stonework, creating some more contrast in the shadows. This also tinted things a bit green I recently got a bottle of plage bearer flesh from Scott at Kapiti Hobbies. I ran a wash of this around the bottom of the pieces to strengthen the idea of moss or damp or slime corrupting the stone. For the warpstone elements I painted them flourescent yellow and then gave them a good coat of Karandras green contrast. This allows the yellow to show through at the thinnest points. Overall I'm quite pleased with how these items are turning out.  

Kill Team learning game - Plague Marines

For a second game I took out the Plague Marines using the newly released rules from the starter set. The rules for Plague Marines are heavily tailored to the models that come in the boxed set rather than the boxed set of models that make up the 40K range.  There are several models that you can use in 40k that are not covered in the Kill Team rules. Unlike other teams, the Plague Marines can only field one warrior. Here is the group of marines on the left. The Psycher had managed to draw LOS onto the bomb squig and zapped it down to one wound and a poison token. The Heavy Gunner is waiting to see if we can draw some of the commandos close enough to give a good acid bath to. Here is the other half of the team waiting with the patience of a spreading infection to take their turn. The Ork Sniper dashed up onto the building. A second ork is hiding behind the scrap pile. The marine heavy gunner lurched forwards and splashed acid on the stabber boy over the scrap pile. A second Ork arrive...

Kill Team learning game - battle of the 2000ad franchises

Chris O'Neil organised an introduction to Kill Team event. There was one day for introductory games and a second day for more competitive games. I went down to introduce some new players to Kill team and hopefully give them a good time. The first game was introducing Finubar to Kill Team, he used my Arbites team made up of Judge Dredd models and I used my Scout team made from Rogue Trooper models. Here are a bunch of guys hiding behind a ruin. More Souther troopers led by a GI. Rogue hopped up on the ladder and hosed down the area shooting up some of the Judges hiding behind light cover. Wallace the wobot has covered the central objective making it harder for me to score. Its distracting when a wobot is trying to sell you a slice on Wenslydale cheese. I built up a nice little firebase on the roof of this building. Some anti sniper fire was exchanged with the Justice Department long gunner. The Scout hunter is ready with 3 APL to swing down off the roof and stab someone. The scout t...

Hobby Update - an Outbreak of Nurgle

 I have been enjoying painting some Plague Marines and support units. The release of the Plague Marine Kill Team, I needed a champion with Plasma Pistol and Plague sword. So I painted this model from the boxed set I got a while back. I painted the cloak in imitation of a stained burial shroud. Here are the Death Shroud Terminators. I experimented with painting the scythes as dark and rusted and then using a bright silver on the edges. This is where the edges would be worn from impacting enemies armour and flesh. I got inspired by Cult of Paint's turorial on painting Plague Marines He used a stipple technique to build up layers of colours and texture. I tried this on a couple of models. Here is the armour texture built up of three layers of green speckles I then used pinks as a contrast for the flesh and worms. Here is the Icon Bearer in front of some of my Warhammer Spearhead terrain. I tried the technique on a Mephitic Blight Hauler. I made a shade wash from greens and sepia to sh...