Hobby update - more painting

I went to put my spare Genestealers and Hormagaunts back in their box and I saw these models and got inspired to paint these models. I stalled on them previously because I didn't like the paint scheme. I painted them in the grey, red and black schemes to match my Genestealers. The creatures these models represent are suitably hideous. Sometimes it's hard to determine what's supposed to be carapace.
These are more of the hybrids. They are smarter so can use tools and ranged weapons but they also have claws and tentacles. These are less far along the painting process with basic colours blocked in.
This is my Sons of the Cyclops Kill Team. I dug out these models out of my collection. These are old metal models or plastic marines with metal accessories. 
These are some of my really old Tyranid warriors to supplement my Genestealers kill team. I used the Red Terror as a weapon beast. The leader has a metal Zoanthrope head. I'm trying to make the weapons look organic and fleshy. The Deathspitters look like they have human faces sticking out from the top of the gun.

It also looks like the warriors are sticking their hands into the butts of their guns. Maybe they fire them by ticking the esophagus of their weapons. 


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