
Showing posts from August, 2024

Call to Arms 2024 convention update part 1

This is a selection of some of the games people are enjoying at our annual convention. We have about 170 gamers enjoying a lot of different games. Some are competition events, and some are groups of people having fun with games they enjoy. These are a couple of shots of us setting up the hall. The location of the tables proved to be harder than we expected and required some precise locations in order to get them all in. This is about the maximum number of people we can fit in the hall. We expanded onto the stage. This is a couple of Age of Sigmar games. We have some people enjoying Horus Heresy. The 40k players are using sets of semi-standardised terrain This is one of the Flames of War games. Nice terrain to create an urban look.

Hobby update - more painting

I went to put my spare Genestealers and Hormagaunts back in their box and I saw these models and got inspired to paint these models. I stalled on them previously because I didn't like the paint scheme. I painted them in the grey, red and black schemes to match my Genestealers. The creatures these models represent are suitably hideous. Sometimes it's hard to determine what's supposed to be carapace. These are more of the hybrids. They are smarter so can use tools and ranged weapons but they also have claws and tentacles. These are less far along the painting process with basic colours blocked in. This is my Sons of the Cyclops Kill Team. I dug out these models out of my collection. These are old metal models or plastic marines with metal accessories.  These are some of my really old Tyranid warriors to supplement my Genestealers kill team. I used the Red Terror as a weapon beast. The leader has a metal Zoanthrope head. I'm trying to make the weapons look organic and fles...

Hobby update - the Dawn of the Third age of Wargaming

 After 20 odd years the Wellington Warlords are moving location. We had our last meeting at the Khandallah church hall and after Call to Arms at the end of the months we will be relocating to Johnsonville Club. It was a popular meeting as people prepare for the convention. Here is a shot from a Kill Team game. Alan's Salvagers marched their way to victory singing the Hi Ho song, with an extra chorus of Gold, Gold, Gold. Here is a shot from another game, down in Sub Level C, the Inquisition were investigating some Mechanicus adepts over whether the technology they were recovering was heretical or not. This was a DBMM game of romans vs Byzantines. It's great to see a game with two nicely painted armies on matching terrain Here is a close up of the cavalry engaging. This is a renaissance game. Pike and Shot has been a popular period for decades. It was the first period I played when I joined the Warlords 44 years ago.

Hobby update - Air Support

I got inspired and dug out one of my Valkyries. I bought these back when Maelstrom games was going out of business. I had been looking for a good camouflage scheme for years and I found one that I liked.  In good model plane tradition, I painted the interior. I used some basic acrylic colours and then used an oil wash to tint the interior. I think next time I will use the traditional interior green and then paint the equipment and use some dark brown grime wash.   Here is a shot of the cockpit interior. I this shot I have miss positioned the back frame for the front cockpit. I need to do more work on the helmets but there are plenty of helmet designs from Top Gun. This is the start of the camo, this is a light grey and a medium brown. This is the first base layer of the green And from the other side. I searched around for a nose art logo and painted this. I made this from a series of stencils for each colour.  I based the nose art on this logo from Frazetta Girls, its tra...