Hobby Update - The Strigoi have landed

 I have been collecting some WW2 Germans. I have some Fallschirmjager, a Vampire Officer and some Wehrmacht zombies.

These are perfect for the 7TV campaign pack Vlad's Army. In this campaign Vampires invade Warhamster on Sea and battle the Home Guard. I alsready have those models and some other BEF from Warlord games

Some of the models I received from the Dracula kickstarter will also be very useful as will some of the Frostgrave vampires.

The figures come from a variety of manufacturers. The Vampire Officer comes from Crooked Dice, the Fallschirmjager are from NorthStar and the Zombies are from Studio Miniatures (right before they went under).

The Germans have a DFS 230 assault glider to land in. Perfect for pinpoint night assault. I need to add the markings.
This is what the zombies look like when they arrvied in their box (made out of a CD case)
This is what the zombies look like when put together. I also got a couple of Miami Vice agents.
This is what the Germans look like when they are all painted up
Here are some civilians from BadSquiddo. I'm not sure whether they have their gasmasks or several sticks on dynamite in their handbags. These can be objectives in the Vlad's Army scenarios.


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