Kill Team - why you should always worship Nurgle

 My second league game was against Matt and his chaos cult. So, chaos worshippers were assured of winning this one.

We were playing on Bheta Decima. I thought this was the best terrain for me to face a lightly armoured melee team on.

I replaced the Grenadier with the Heavy Gunner for this game. Looking at the map I decided to send one operative to attack the far objective, this would force the cultists to allocate a significant number of bodies to ensure thy kept control of this objective. In the end they allocated four cultists. This left 9 to fight 5 marines. I sent the heavy gunner to attack this objective via the overhead gantry

I allocated the Icon Bearer and Warrior to the home objective supported by some Razor wire to block charge lanes. This gave the Icon Bearer the easiest path to get over the halfway line and cast contagion for free in turn 2.

I allocated the Plague Caster, Champion and Fighter to the central objective. Unless the cult made a serious push for the objective I could just sit on the furnace and score that objective.

Her is the left hand side of the map during turn one. The heavy gunner swarmed up the ladder and down the gantry and squirted the two cultists hiding behind the barricades. This killed one and took a second to 1 wound and poisoned. The cultist ran down the gantry and hurled a Krak grenade at the gunner. All the damage was saved. The Fighter and Champion climbed the ladder and got onto the furnace as a counter action. The Heavy Gunner then dissolved the fanatical cultist with his plague spewer as his counter action.
Here is the right side in turn one. The Warrior moved up and took position next to the objective. The Icon Bearer moved forwards, shooting a cultist on the gantry above before lurching over the halfway line with his counter action. Looking at the Cultist deployment There was an opportunity to cause havoc with the plague caster so he lumbered over in support of the right side. He managed to corrode one cultist with his plage wind during his activation. The gantry saved the others from a gruesome death. He then blasted a cultist on the gantry with his counter action.
4 Cultists died in the first turn and another was badly wounded.

The Plague Caster lumbered further down the gantry and plague winded the cultists hiding behind their barricade and badly wounded the last swordsman. The Blue Torment got blasted down to 3 wounds by the Entropy spell. It was then blasted by the Warrior who also badly wounded the psycher on the furnace. The Swordsman charged the Icon Bearer landed a strike and then died to a plague knife in the guts. The Icon Bearer then moved down the floor and shot the cultist Magister with his trusty bolt pistol. 

The Green torment leapt over the gap and charged the heavy gunner. Both sides were engaged in a contest of who could smell worse, so neither warrior was fighting at their best. In the end the Torment Parried and the heavy gunner inflicted a punch.

At this point the game was effectively over, the champion had lurched over, secured the central objective and shot the cultist Icon Bearer. I underestimated the abilities of the Torment. I should have disengaged with the gunner moved back and shot it. Instead I activated the fighter, killed the cultist psycher with a flail action and then charged the torment. A terrible roll left me with one hit. Two CP rerolls got me a second. The fighter, already damaged by the witch died and then the Torment exploded spraying acid and body parts over the gunner who also died.

So, a Victory to the Plague Marines. Once again, I made a poor choice for Tac Op (Champion) The Plague Caster got two points in turn 2 and the champion 1 in turn 3 by killing the last cultist. I did get 6 for both Crit Ops and Kill Ops. I then compounded my poor choice by choosing the Tac Op as my Primary. I would have been much better off with Security - Contain.


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