Rangers of Shadowdeep - Rescue at the Farmhouse.

After trekking through the disgusting swamp Robin and his band were looking for shelter. They came across a farmhouse and some out buildings. Figures could be seen moving in the windows.

Will wanted to storm the place and kill all the cultists. Robin thought that they might be normal villagers and therefore friends. Robin sneaked forwards and called out "Nottingham"! A voice answered back "Sherriff".

That was not the best answer but at least it wasn't cultists.

Here is the farmhouse, some of the out-buildings are rather dilapidated.

When the team made it into the farmhouse, the found a couple of men at arms wearing the livery of the Sherriff of Nottingham. There were several locals and farmers. A familiar face scowled at them from the darkness. Guy of Gisbourne. "It would be you Wolfshead". 

The Cultists are coming, and they have monsters with them. 

A troll was lurking behind these bushes.
On the other side a patrol of cultists was approaching.
An initial exchange of arrows allowed Friar tuck to make a break for one of the treasure items.
The troll smashed through one of the outbuildings. Herne nailed it with a magic arrow while Much raced to the other treasure. This was a bit greedy but it was never going to get easier to try and get the treasures, now it was just a question of getting back in one piece. 
Robin used one of the magic arrows and shot the troll inflicting a significant wound.
Some more cultists and some mercenary cosssbowmen advanced behind the troll. Little john was wondering about the wisdom of being Toll Bait.
Several cultists fell to arrows and Robin and Will engaged them in sword strokes, Will fell to a rain of blows.
Little John killed the troll outright.
Gisbourne arrived and slew a cultist. Friar Tuck raced back to the farmhouse with the loot.
Much ran back to the farmhouse with his treasure while John moved back to the farmhouse to be a strategic reserve and guard the farmers.
Gisbourne killed a second cultist and Robin downed another with help from Friar Tuck.
Marion and one of the men at arms were lending fire support out of the farmhouse windows. One of the cultists attacked Herne and he fell to a savage blow. Much was engaging another cultist while the mercenary crossbowmen fired at the men at arms in the building.
Even badly wounded the cultist archer managed to wound Friar tuck with an arrow.
Little John Defeated the Cultist
A giant spider dropped down into the room, However the locals were not frightened and swatted it with their staves.
Gisbourne downs the last archer.
Everyone else makes it back to the farmhouse. Another troll is approaching, the badly wounded Much pushes back the cultist and makes a break for it. 
Much gets agonisingly close to safety before being felled by a crossbow bolt. The others are moving into position to shoot at the crossbowmen in the out building.
Enraged by the loss of Much, John charges across the open field and engages on of the crossbowmen. 
John felled one of the crossbowmen. The other is taken out with a critical hit from the farm house.
Robin and one of the men at arms combined to defeat a cultist while the troll lumbers closer. John has rejoined the line at the farm.
Gisbourne makes it back in time to join the fight with the troll.
Two giant flies zip through the windows, they kill the two farmers and one is killed by the man at arms. The troll tries to bash the man at arms through the window but ends up getting cut itself.
Gisbourne charges in and kills the troll saving his loyal soldier. He was on fire this game. Some swamp zombies are emerging from the gloom on one side of the farm.
We decide to evacuate the farmhouse which is now badly damaged and it feels like an earthquake is coming. Its also getting near Dawn and moving to one side of the board means some of the enemy won't make it to us in time. One of the zombies has been dropped by an arrow.

There are zombies on the Starboard bow captain! One of them is dropped with an arrow through its neck. It was the holy gas bill attached to the arrow that really finished off. Nothing like a gas bill to undo any animating magics.
It wasn't an earthquake, a giant purple worm burst out of the floor of the farmhouse. This thing has a face like an electric shaver and can certainly give you a close shave if you let it. Fortunately we have evacuated the building so no one gets attacked immediately.
The worm is taken down by a hail of arrows and then finished off by Gisbourne. Guy is really dangerous when not on TV. The Sherriff must be a -10 penalty to all his skill rolls.
Zombies are dropping with arrows anointed with blessed utility bills, but the undead creatures feel no fear only an unrelenting hunger for living flesh. They are now closing in on the living. Gisbourne quickly dispatches a buzzing fly. "Disgusting creature!" as he flicks slime and viscera from his sword.
Dawn breaks at last and the remaining undead crumble to dust.

Herne, Much and Will all recover after the fight.

So that's the introductory campaign from the book complete. This was loads of fun.



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