
Showing posts from October, 2024

Call to Arms - other games

 Dale Elvy and his friends returned to Call to Arms and were putting on an excellent looking demo game series of Man-o-War. They had several fleets of beautifully painted models. Here are some shots from their games. This looks like Dark Elf, Norse and Nurgle fleets attacking some High Elves. The purpose of this attack was to seize control of some forts guarding the Brettonnian coast. Here are some Brettonnians trying to protect their coasts. On day two there was a massive multi fleet battle. The Flames of War games looked amazing, all the tables had immersive terrain. 

Rangers of Shadowdeep - Rescue at the Farmhouse.

After trekking through the disgusting swamp Robin and his band were looking for shelter. They came across a farmhouse and some out buildings. Figures could be seen moving in the windows. Will wanted to storm the place and kill all the cultists. Robin thought that they might be normal villagers and therefore friends. Robin sneaked forwards and called out "Nottingham"! A voice answered back "Sherriff". That was not the best answer but at least it wasn't cultists. Here is the farmhouse, some of the out-buildings are rather dilapidated. When the team made it into the farmhouse, the found a couple of men at arms wearing the livery of the Sherriff of Nottingham. There were several locals and farmers. A familiar face scowled at them from the darkness. Guy of Gisbourne. "It would be you Wolfshead".  The Cultists are coming, and they have monsters with them.  A troll was lurking behind these bushes. On the other side a patrol of cultists was approaching. An ini