
Spearhead - Flesh Eater Courts

I played my first game of Spearhead on Saturday. Alan was trying out his new Iron Jaws Ork retinue. Alan did a great job of making sure I had an enjoyable game. I won the roll for initiative and decided to play on the Ghyran map and diagonal deployment. we ended up with the terrain in an almost mirror layout so its like we are fighting across a street in apocalyptic city. In the middle is my leader with a bodyguards of Crypt ghouls, on the right are the Morbleg knights On the left is the Vargulf courtier. Here are Alan's Orks. The big bruiser unit doesn't arrive until turn 3. My idea was to kill as many orks as possible before they showed up. I took the first turn and then moved everyone forwards. My leader proved to be a rather inept wizard, lets hope he is better with his claws. With no shooting, there is no option but to get into combat The Knights kill off two of the berserkers and take the last one down to 1 wound, It strikes back and does one wound to a knight. The Vargul...

Kill Team - Brutal and Cunning

The Warlords have started a second Kill Team league. This already puts it in the top 1 percent of all wargames initiatives. Not only has it got past the talking about it phase, but it's been successfully run once and is now back for a second even larger go. I'm playing my Plague Marines. In the first game I have to attack a squad of Veteran Guardsmen who have holed up in a fortified compound. Here is an overview of the compound. the attacker is coming on from either end, the objective is to seize control of the objective at the end of turn 4. I chose the Night Attack stratagem which means all shots at targets outside the compound from more than 6 inches are Obscured. Here is the team, in the end I left out the plague marine fighter. I didn't think I would need the combat power against Guardsmen. In the opening moves I put down my Cloud of Flies marker to give me obscuring and then moved up with my warrior. I could not quite charge Ed's Troopers, so I settled for shootin...

Kill Team - Phobos Marines

With the Warlords starting Tuesday night gaming, I got in a kill team game against Ed and his Nemesis Claw team. I decided to try out my Phobos team. We were playing Sabotage on a lengthways map. This created a situation where the table looked like a street with ruined buildings on both sides. My Phobos team is painted in a codex approved night fighting camouflage scheme. This mutes the normally bright Howling Griffons scheme. Behind this building I have the Vox Breaker, the Minelayer and a Reiver. On this side I have the Sergeant, the Veteran and the Marksman. Opposite my Sergeant is the Shriecker, Ventrilokar, and Champion. Across the alley is the Meltagunner. Here is the Missile launcher gunner and the Skin Thief. I have occupied my home building. My Voxbreaker moved forward and Auspex scanned an 8" bubble of no obscuring. My Minelayer moved forward and planted his mine on the other side of the door thus making charging through the door an unattractive option. The Riever is up ...

Hobby update Trench Terrain

Back before trenches were cool, I got inspired by Ash Barkers games of The Last War and set out to make some trench terrain. I decided to make the terrain as a series of modular square and rectangular shapes which I can position to create the Trench lines. I got inspired by Ed and Richard building their own Trench terrain sets to finish my own. Here is an overview of the painted pieces laid out om the kitchen bench. Here is a close up view of the taller pieces. The crater design was inspired by the Terrain Tutor, so you can put a figure in the bottom of the crater and it can stand up. I can place pieces together to create strongpoints or larger closed areas. Otherwise, you end up with the trench lines being too long. This shows a Sally Port where models can charge through from cover. The triangle pieces also make great ends to line up against the edge of the table. Some of the pieces have some GW wire called on them. The top surfaces of the blocks are textured with a layer of coffee gr...